Just got back from seeing the new Richard Gere movie "Unfaithful" My wife wanted to see it, I went to see Diane Lane. Totally hilarious, the boom mike was in almost every scene. It got more screen time than Richard. When it wasn't in a scene, I missed it. It was even in scenes with no dialogue. Porn movies have better technical work. Richard got to use his "I got nowhere else to go" face about ten times.
Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
Good! They let that a$$hole speak last year in NYC, and his speach was about how we should forgive and get on with life. Hope he has a nice film career in Afganistan
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Is that Richard Gere of the Gerbal fame?
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
Not that I'm a Richard Gere fan, but in the movie's defense, if the theater doesn't have the projector set up properly (ie. projecting too low) you will see the boom drop down several times in nearly every movie. I would complain to the theater management. At least the mishap made it slightly more entertaining.