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Posted by Bob Gilliland (Member # 28) on :
Hello All,

I wanted to do a post to call some special attention to Brian “Spider” Papa’s kit box. Spider is a good friend of Rob Larkham, both of whom I meet at the Mass Mayhem meet. Many of us in attendance last weekend got to view this thing up close and personal. For everyone else who would like to sneak a peek, I put up a special page containing pictures of the box only. Check it out on Spiders “Kit” box page. These are the same pictures found on the Mass Mayhem picture pages, however, I kept the size larger and didn’t compress as much to hold better detail. (And as such, they may take a bit longer to d/l) Go ahead and check them out, well worth a look IMHO.

This box reflected the craftsmanship of a skilled woodworker named Mark Bennett. If I understood the story correctly, about the only “hardware” used in the construction of the box were the piano hinges and magnetic closers for the doors and some metal pieces for the drawer handles. This is one serious box! I enjoy looking at and appreciating the efforts put into an effective layout and well crafted sign. I took the same enjoyment at looking at this piece of work at the meet. I have never meet Mark but am willing to bet he has a fond appreciation of his craft like many here in Letterville. Perhaps Spider will come out of “lurker” status to add a few more words.

Wish I would have invested a few more minutes to take more, detail oriented pictures, with the tripod and perhaps some better lighting. Until we meet up again, these will have to do. More pictures available on Spiders “Kit” box page.



[ February 14, 2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Bob Gilliland ]
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
I agree...mighty nice kit....but then surprise...
it belongs to a mighty nice guy...with lotsa talent.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Wow ..... slick sign kit! [Smile]
Posted by David Kilgore (Member # 110) on :
Very nice, but how do you keep it so clean? [Wink]
Posted by Robert Thomas (Member # 1356) on :
What, people are still painting signs?
My kit has been collecting dust for the last couple of years. Tounge in cheek of course.

I miss the days of whipping out a sign with your layout skills, some quills and flats and some One Shot.

I've turned to faux finishes for my "handpainted" rush, if you will, because not many people appreciate, or will pay for you for your talents anymore.

Everybody is into quick, cheap and I want it yesterday.

I will break out my brushes when need be, and still do, but it is a rare occurrance, indeed.

[ May 11, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Robert Thomas ]

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