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Posted by BRIAN CAISSIE (Member # 2673) on :
Can anyone help identify this font, and lead me in the direction to find it(buy it)?

Thanks, Brian

P.S. I have several that are close, but the tops of most of the letters have dips in them. So i put a big pic so you could see them. The I,U,P ect.
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
It's gorgeous, what ever it is! Looks like a spawn of Optima to me, LOL.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Optima or its Corel counterpart Zapf Humanist
Posted by BRIAN CAISSIE (Member # 2673) on :
I looked at the zaph humanist, but the tops of the letters are different? Optima? Where would I find it.
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
oh yeah, corel and the gang have different names for fonts. Try investigating the "Castle T" family.

Corel had another one, began with an "N" I think. see if you can scroll though them in Adobe Type Manager or something similar. You'll see it if it's there.

[ May 04, 2002, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: Linda Silver Eagle ]
Posted by Jay Nichols (Member # 2842) on :
It's Optima Extra Black.
Posted by BRIAN CAISSIE (Member # 2673) on :
Is $21.00 too much to pay for one font style, ( They have optima, but I'm afraid the stroke might not match, It's hard to tell by eye? Should I just chance it?
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Brian, Optima is a gold mine for a font. It's very readable and can be used as sub copy with all kinds of scripts and decorative letters.

It can be used as the main copy and bevelled nicely.

It stretches nice too, <grin>.

In this particular situation, this would be your best bet, short of contacting the one who did it before you, and verifying the actual font/source they used.

Good luck Brian.

[ May 04, 2002, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Linda Silver Eagle ]
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
21 bucks for the whole Optima family is a great deal. It's one of my top 5 most used fonts.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Brian, you are correct that Humanist does not have the arcs shown in your picture.

You can match a stroke at 25 points and then be way off at 300 points, so you have a valid concern. Don't have any good advice on this except to say, Optima is a very useful font, and if you happen to purchase the incorrect weight, you might be able to save it with your outline tool.

If you only have to match a few letters, you can use node editing to get a visual match. This is tedious if you have a lot of text.

Sorry that I can't be of more assistance. Vic G
Posted by Jacki Allen (Member # 2672) on :
$21 is cheap if you consider the amount of time it would cost you to recreate or tweak a font to fit your needs.

Also on there are character maps that you can compare that are in a decent enough resolution to bring in to your program and vectorize to see just how close it matches.(by no means good enough to cut off of, but enough to verify the match)

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