I hope you won't mind my prayer request. I usually refrain from this type of thing here, but right now I don't care. Steve, I'm sorry but i do believe in the power of prayer with evey fiber of my being and I need it now.
I have talked a bit in chat about playin a kind gentleman in billiards. His name is Jim Clark, he's 72 years old and the closest thing to a father I've had my whole life.
He had a heart attack Thursday night and after a "just in time" triple by-pass, landed in ICU.
He hasn't been given his own room yet, as origianl plans indicated. I'm skeered...there is no-one at the ICU desk over the weekend...in the waiting room. I'm not "family." (read: I can't obtain an update = going crazy)
Help me out guys, please pray he makes it, in one piece!
[ May 04, 2002, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: Linda Silver Eagle ]
Posted by Ricky Simpson (Member # 1318) on :
Consider it done, Linda.
God Bless him!
And Bless you for asking for prayer. In my opinion asking for prayer is a sign of strength not weakness as some might think.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
thanks guys, I just knew I was gonna get flamed for this, but like I said I don't care about those posts. Just the ones that help.
And no, Ricky and Glenn, it was not easy to type this up, makes me feel awfully vulnerable. I hate when that happens!
Havin a hard time catchin my breath here, but you've helped so much.. Thank you.
PS - it was not my intention for the BB to get bogged down with replies on this, or hang at the top of the BB either, but emails are most assuredly welcome.
[ May 04, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Linda Silver Eagle ]
Posted by Bill Preston (Member # 1314) on :
Same from here, Linda, and FWIW if he was lucky he got away with an attack of angina, and not a full-blown heart attack. Both hurt, but angina is more of a warning, while a real attack means tissue death, and scarring.
Anyway, even if no one is at the desk in ICU, you can be sure somebody is close by your friend. They rarely have more than 2 patients per nurse, and there is electronic monitoring besides.
Take it from one who has worked ICU, as well as the ER, and has also been on the receiving end of a quad bypass repair. It is scary, but not usually the end of the world.
Hang in, kid. From our house to your house.
Posted by Raleigh Parker (Member # 2468) on :
Linda Our prayers are with both of you
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
All I know is that the main dilemna was a 95% blockage...and they said if he'd waited 5 more minutes, zip.
Sorry I wigged here, but your kind words really make a difference. My husband does not pray with me and both girls are away this weekend.
Down at the coffee shop, I've been voted the "representative" to keep them aware, etc. Lots off folks callin to tell me about him, because they're just now hearing about it and know how close we are.
His wife isn't answering the phone message I left. But you know, the terror I felt when I first posted has subsided so I believe he's okay now. Thank God.
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Keep Praying.
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Thank you Santo, it's not like I'm about to stop.
I'm saying "thank you" with faith I have cause to!
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!
Jim made it through surgery with flying colors, no damage, like would happen with a stroke. Whew! He yelled from across the room (nurse had the receiver) that he was fine. He sounded great!
We may get to go see him tomorrow!
I can't begin to thank you all for your prayers!!!!!!!! I don't know what I would have done...nevermind that, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Oh happy day! Thank God!
Posted by Ricky Simpson (Member # 1318) on :
Praise God!
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Linda, Sorry I missed your post, but prayers are still in order untill he's home safe & outa da hosp. Keep the faith. Know how you felt, I lost 2 dear old friends this year, both great gentlemen also. Let him win the next time you shoot a game!
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Why you think you would get flamed for a post like this, I don't know, Linda..
I'm not a prayer, but I can and do extent my best wishes to you and those you hold close..
Posted by J & N Signs (Member # 901) on :
Got it Aigle D'Argent
Posted by taurus signcraft (Member # 572) on :
in my experiance this place (letterville) has always been able to counted on for 2 things
1/ answer the most obscure questions with the most enlightened responces 2/ pull together as a family in any extreme situation.
this post is no different
linda, you already have the answer... we all care about the things that are important to you, and as a family we will do whatever you need done, no questions asked!
glad to hear your mate is on the mend
cheers gail n devo
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
Linda, I'm sure in no time he will be telling you Eight ball, corner pocket. Prayers on the way for a speedy recovery. Rack 'um!
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Look at all the love...yawl are gonna make me cry!
I feel so blessed to have all of you as friends and family!
I'm gonna print this up and show it to Jim when I get to see him.
I talked to him over the phone today, he was just moved into his room today! (whew!) I asked him if he was up for a visit and he said,"Well, I'm layin here with nothing more than a blanket and some wires on me, I'd hate to get you all excited!" Then he seriously told me he would rather I didn't see him like he was now and asked if I'd respect his wish to wait till he got home. After everything he's been through, how could I refuse, LOL.
That was the second phone call, you can guess the first one was him pleading with me to get him out of there, the food stinks, etc.
I am so happy he's getting better and so touched by the replies I've received, I hardly know what to say to you all.
wanted to say...that's why I like playing with Jim, he's never got any extra curricular activities up his sleeve when we're out. He is a perfect gentleman and respected by everyone. (Read: nobody messes with us)
Hay Handsome, (Yup, Bill "The Stud" from Flycreek)
WOW! I am so glad you made it through yours! Thank you for your comforting words. I was quite a bit relieved when I read them.
hehehe, he used to play Marsconey (sp?) "back in the day." So I don't have to "let" him win, LOL. It would make him mad if I did, he already made me promise not to hehehe!
Mike O'Neil,
I don't know what you are doing but keep doing it, it's working too! Thank you dear!
Mr. Passion,
I'm counting on it! How did you know I was the racker? LOL.
Ya made me cry when I read your post. Good tears though. Thank you.
All of you who sent prayer and good vibes my way, I can't begin to tell you how great it felt to "feel" it washing over me when I was trying to catch my breath over all of this. It sure means a lot to me to know you're here. I felt so helpless when I opened this thread. I feel so much lighter now.
All my Love to all of you, Aigle D'Argent (Silver Eagle en francais)
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
Linda, sorry I missed your post this weekend. I'm getting the house recarpeted so the computer along with everything else is stacked up in a pile. I'll pray for a speedy and full recovery for your "dad".
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
No apology neccessary. Thank you for your prayers.
Posted by Delzell (Member # 1965) on :
Sorry I have not been on the computer much lately. I will include your friend in my prayers. He may be able to beat you all the time now
I got a letter from Bob asking about you too.
Take care and stay well,
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Hahaha Debbie! you're so funny!
I'll keep tryingto call Bob. I've not been successful reaching him by phone. I reckon he mentioned that LOL.