While we all have clipart and such as the hotspots on here just now....I thought some of you might like to know that Mike Jackson is just releasing his Broadway collection, I have just ordered mine to compliment the other 2 collections I have from him.
Here is some quality stuff that we can all have fun designing with, without feeling that the series is fluffed up or duplicated.
I think Mike and David Butler, amongst others have done us proud with their collections, and their help, and work within the Letterhead movement
[ May 01, 2002, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: Henry Barker ]
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
I'll be on the phone to Mike today!
For those who do any printing with the EDGE, Colorcamm, large-format....whatever! You should see how these ornaments print, especially if you like to play with Photshop Plug-ins. Another awesome CD from Mike!
Posted by John Cordova (Member # 220) on :
Can someone buy that CD and make me a copy? HEE! HEE! Just kidding! Just being a smart***. Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Hey John, you shouldn't kid, that cd is probably being duplicated and passed around as we speak. Just ask Mike about his past cd's. Part of the game I guess.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
wow now that would be a great CD to purchase. I cherish my Butler Gold volumes 1 and 2 and my Designers Cafe. These are things you hold near and dear to your heart.
Posted by Golden (Member # 164) on :
Hi Henry, As of this morning, I should be an official advertiser on this site.
I read through some of the other post about copyrights and clipart. I'd prefer to stay out of heated debates. I know there are few vendors selling small quantities of high quality items such as fonts and clip art which are deeply hurt when someone passes their work around. Names like Chuck Davis, Dave Simpson, David Butler and myself come to mind. All of us are basically one person operations. We find or design the art, scan, digitize, clean up, edit, convert formats, create printed materials, make web pages, take orders, and stand in line at the post office to mail the packages. We are not talking about a multi-billion dollar company with a design staff, legal branch, and advertising and marketing departments here. Just a one or two person business trying to sell enough disks to keep the bills paid and raise a family. Every lost sale hurts!
I have been working day and night on this CD since the beginning of January. I think others will give the CD a lot of praise when they finally get one in their hands (right now, no one even has a CD), but I can say it is an absolutely wonderful grouping of quite unique panels and ornaments inspired by the sketches of Sam Kamin in the early 20's. Chuck Davis at Letterhead Fonts created a font especially designed to go with this collection, along with one I digitized for it. It was fun to watch Chuck's progression of his original sketched font. As Cheryl mentioned earlier, I think this collection will be something signmakers will treasure.
The spiral wire booklets should be here tomorrow or Friday and we will actually begin shipping them out right away. Thanks for your support!
Mike Jackson
Posted by Terry Whynott (Member # 1622) on :
Great to see you back Mike!
The CD looks fantastic. I hope to pick up one of your CD's soon! Probably through Canadian Signcrafter's.
I'd also like to see you posting here again, I've always respected your opinions and knowledge.