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Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Before the hockey game between the Maple Leafs and Islanders... during the playing of our national anthem, there was a steady and deafening roar of boo's, that only got worse as the anthem was played. This trend started in Boston I believe during a Basketball game. The crowd booed even after being asked by the announcer over the public adress system to "Respect our friends and neigbors to the north, the "Canadians".... I wonder what the Canadian players felt like who play for the american team. Yesterday I typed this post up, but deleted it... but after I got home last night and it was on the news, and on the front page so I decided to post it. Not to stir things up, but to educate. I wonder what Toronto's fans will do tonight during the singing of the American Anthem.. I really hope they respect it. Now before everyone gets their shorts in a bunch, this is only hockey, I know, but it is still our anthem....
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
I went to see a hockey game and will never go to another. The crowds are like animals, they don't even respect their own anthem. It is very sad how the public loves violence. Respect is becoming a thing of the past.
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
I'm's hard to control that which is out of control... my appologies and condolences.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
And if you've ever been to Boston you'd know why it started there.

Please don't judge the whole American culture on the rude New Englanders

We're just a bunch of up tight rude folk. [Smile]
Posted by dveenema (Member # 833) on :
Actually it started in Vancouver at a game between the Canucks and the Red Wings.

They held a memorial at centre ice before the game and some idiots booed during the American anthem.

It then spread back to Detroit at a basketball game between the Pistons and Raptors.

Don't be so friggin' sensitive.
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
A couple of rude jerks are going to set you off Neil? This must happen on a few rare occasions by a small few. The rest of the incidents are manufactured gossip supposedly to inspire or incite fans or players.
Really; boo the Canadian anthem? Allthe players except for a few are Canadian.
Remember the alleged incident in women's hockey with the Americans walking over the Canadian flag in the locker room? It never happened.
Posted by Stephen Broughton (Member # 2237) on :
It happens all over the world, when England play Germany at football oops sorry soccer (how you guys can call yours football when only one guy out of 45 kicks the ball is beyond me) anyway the so called supporters from England regularly boo during the German national anthem, there are also chants of "2 world wars and one world cup" referring to the fact that England beat Germany in the world cup final in 1966.
Sporting events seem to attract the worst kind of idiots, a few years ago there were regular occasions when football fans fought running battles on the pitch during a game, the worst ones were England v Scotland matches.
Then there is often trouble between French & English fans at rugby matches (to those of you that dont know what rugby is imagine 15 of the top players from the NFL facing a similar team and playing a game where everyone can carry the ball and tackle and no one wears any kind of padding or protection) and rugby is tradionally a middle class sport its frightening blood and teeth everywhere. Mind you the French are our oldest enemy, this from a country that has had wars with almost every country in the world.
Even at domestic club level we have outbreaks of trouble, coin throwing, threats and racial taunts against opposing teams players, a few years ago it was really bad we had 3 instances when 30 or more people where killed at soccer matches, fires, crowd crushes, fighting, its got a lot better but there is still trouble outside football stadia between different supporters, the police even run special anti-football hooligan squads.
Me i'm not a football or rugby fan or cricket for that matter I'd rather be watching motorcycle racing. [Cool]
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Like I said it's only a hockey game... but if it's good enough to make the news, it's good enough for discussion... I remember i went to a Boxing match one night... and a hockey game broke out. Lol, God knows I'm not that sensitive...What me? Sensitive?
Like you said it happens all over the world.. does'nt it... You have to remember that these folks are doing it, I'm sure just to rile things up.. cause there's nothing like a loud crowd at a hockey game.
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
I personaliy feel it all came about when the Canadian Olympic whipped the Americans a**.Ever since I was a little boy I heard people say that others countries didn't like the rude Americans but this is a handful of hateful people.I've met thousands of Americans and married one myself.Only met a few rude ones as they probably have the same thoughts.Soon Canada will be part of America any-way-good luck and good signin!!! [Razz]
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Now you got me scared Randy... Canada a part of the U.S.? Does that mean I'll have to change my strong Irish, Scottish, Newfoundland accent?
Posted by Gregory (Member # 900) on :
Don't let the booers get to you. Anyone who could act like that doesn't respect theirself. How can you expect someone who doesn't respect theirselves to respect another countries national anthem.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
But ya gotta love hockey! To me it's the most exciting game on earth.. to play and to watch,.... well I do love to golf though.
GO LEAFS GO! I hope they eliminate that disrespectful AMERICAN Hockey Team the New York Islanders tonight.. what a bunch of wimps...LOL, JUS RIBB'N YA!
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
I must say I'm proud to be Canadian! Before last night's game, between the Maple Leafs and Islanders, During the singing of the American Anthem, there was a low but steady roar of Cheering, and at the conlusion of the Anthem it exploded into a roar of Cheers and Whistles for the Americans.. by Canadians... What a bunch of Classy Guys we are... Oh by the way the Leafs Eliminated the New York Islanders by a score of 4 to 2. And it was a clean well played Game.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
We're gonna have to keep an eye on them fellers from up-a-long. They'll sell anything, including the country [Eek!]
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
You got that right Mike, I wonder how much we'll get for Newfoundland & Labrador?
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
You will get more if you build a bridge to the main land.HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! [Eek!]
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Now let me see......

What did we pay for Manhattan? Hmmmmmmmmmm.....

[Wink] [Razz]

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