Has anyone tried using ClearJet solvent base clear coat brush & roll formula? It says to use as supplied, but the stuff I have is quite thick. I tried rolling it over a couple of prints and totally stuffed them up!
It won't roll out evenly, won't lay off - i.e the bubbles just harden up and set, and it starts to spider web if you try going back over it after half a minute.
Has anyone had any success with this stuff? Have I just got a dud can - or old stock? Can it be thinned with something?? - Dosen't say anything on the can.
As it's made in the US, I'm hoping someone out there knows of it. My supplier stocks this now instead of Frog juice. Also comes in spray cans, but I prefer rolling large prints.
Cheers, Neil
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
I had the same results using the ClearJet product. I was very much unimpressed. You don't have a dud can, just a dud product.
Frog Juice is a far superior product, I.M.H.O.
Have a great one!
Posted by Riles (Member # 383) on :
Thanks Bruce, I didn't think it was just me... What to do now?? The can cost $53 for a litre - which is about $28 a quart, so I'd like to use it for something more than a paperweight. I'll try some solvents to see if it can be thinned. The prints cost me $140. I know I know - test first...but I was in a rush. I also have 2 cans of their spray formula...I'll be testing that out first.
Any advice?
Cheers, Neil Riley
Posted by Phil Braham (Member # 346) on :
Send the brush & roll stuff back and get 4 litres of spray. It is ready to use, just put it in the gun and start spraying! I have a lot of success with this product and when sprayed on has a nice sheen when dry.
Posted by Riles (Member # 383) on :
Thanks Phil, I'll do that. What do you clean the gun out with? Does it go okay onto solvent prints AND inkjets AND water based acrylic paints - ie. Tautflex??? Just trying to glean some info from you first coz the suppliers here wouldn't have a clue.
Posted by Phil Braham (Member # 346) on :
Just clean the gun in Acrylic laquer thinners. It goes over everything. I goes well on solvent prints. But don't use it on cold solvent inks (they are garbage anyway, only last about 3 weeks)I wrapped my work trucks about 13 months ago using solvent LOD inks and Clearjet to protect from abrasion. They still look like they were done yesterday. It is OK on inkjet but I prefer a film laminate on them. Fine on Tautflex although Viponds have a product called digiclear that sticks to just about anything. It comes waterbased and ready to use. I think it is watered down Tautflex clear. Digiclear is the only thing you can put on cold solvent prints without the ink running.When using Clearjet make sure your work area is warm otherwise it will dry flat and you will have to give it 2 coats.