This is topic anyone got vl parts cheap? in forum Old Archives at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Hello Letterheads, I am looking for parts for my old paasche vl, My wife want to try her hand at painting vinyl and I would like to fix it up for her to use,any faux finishing tips or special effects for vinyl would be appreciated. I can't for the life of me figure out where i put all the parts for it.I am looking for the screw on tip or the multiplehead {incl.aircap,aircap body,tip}and i also need the screw or locknut to hold the needle and any good needles, let me know what yer asking or maybe we can trade some vinyl or something,My wife and I thank you.......THANX
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Check They sell the brand new Paasche Millenium for $49.95. They sell lots of parts too.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
How cheap can you get?
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
I got an airbrush morge at the shop, I know I got alot of vl parts I will chck it out, I also have the Millenium and love it, its pretty cheap
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
I had the same question as Joey. How can you get much cheaper than what VL parts cost new? They practically give them away.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Hey all!

You know, my step-daughter is going to start driving this summer after she completes her driver education classes.

I was thinking that maybe everyone could send me some car parts so I could put a car together for her to drive. It sure would be swell for you all to help me out on this one.

Seriously, Steven... Break down and blow the 50 bucks to buy a brand new airbrush. Sheesh, the prices have come down so much in the past few years that it isn't even worth fixing them anymore.

Even if you mooched enough parts to make a complete unit, there is no guarantee it is going to be first rate. They never seem to be "right" after you break them down.

I do keep a couple of spare needles and tips on hand for the occasion emergency. However, since I got my Eclipse, I haven't even picked up a VL. I do like to keep them around just in case.

Spend the cash... you will happy you did.

Have a great one!
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Ya know you people would get alot more post's if you were cool about helping people out and not jumping on their backs! Bruce I am not mooching parts I said i could trade some vinyl or something!As I am from Canada and when i order parts from the states I have to pay taxes,duty,shipping and with the canadian dollar being so low the exchange rate is crazy, I didnt think anyone would blast me for asking a normal question!I am not asking for car parts Bruce but if ya want send me some bucket seats for my old camaro,they'll be well used.Thanks to anybody who answered my post to HELP me out.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Hey Steve, don't totally blame Bruce for his response, as when he told me about your post, that was my first reaction, so give me some of the credit, ok?

It wasn't that we need car parts, but its an example that even though there are situations where asking for stuff, even with the idea of exchanging something else in its place, just isn't the thing to do.

You have to look at the big picture. You will be much better off in the long run to make a small investment and have a working airbrush, and use your items as spare parts, than trying to save a buck and, as Bruce would say, 'cob' something together.

I haven't airbrushed much, but I learned VERY quickly that they are temperamental little things. I can't even imagine trying to put together parts to make a working one because of this. Even though it can be done, I really honestly think that it won't work quite right.

Add to that the frustration level of learning how to use the thing, and the two can add up to disaster. Ask me how I know... [Wink]

SO, don't be jumping on Bruce's answer any more than any of the others - at least he tried to jokingly make a reference, then, 'but seriously folks' explained his reasoning.
Posted by Stephen Broughton (Member # 2237) on :
Hey Steve think your self lucky mate the current UK price for a Paasche VL is £96 = $217.92 Canadian or $140 US and Amy reckons she can get a millenium for $49.95 well they are £114 here thats $258 canadian or $166 US. To put it into perspective how much do you pay for a gallon of Petrol (Gas) we pay the quivalent of $8.50 Canadian a gallon thats $5.58 US, stuff is so dammed expensive here. [Frown]
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
FORGET IT,Sorry for asking!!!!!!!!!Some of you people just look for a reason to blast people.
Posted by Benji Mcentire (Member # 2442) on :
some people here on this group can afford to buy the Gerber Edge doesnt mean we all can, did you all think to figure maybe this guy doesnt make as much as you guys are so acustom to making, maybe, he is not as fortinate as you are, and to blast him cause he is asking a group that "SO PRIDES ITSELF ON HELPING" is irritating. just cause they dont do it your way, or you dont like the way they are doing it, doesnt give you the right to blast them, all it takes is a simple hey you can save some troubles and headaches if you get a new one. here are some ideas. or just send him your spare parts just for the fun of it.

you all are great designers and painters and blah blah blah, but some of you have enflated egos, and feel that your the best which you feel you need to shadow those who dont know.

[ April 29, 2002, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: Benji Mcentire ]
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Yep Benji and it is the over inflated egos who are driving the new people away.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Bruce , why dont u change yer resident pic.. show yer widest and nicest smile... It looks like u have constipation......

sounds like it too..

Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
I don't think Bruce really meant to come a cross that hard, I really don't, If you ignored his first couple of sarcastic, but fun intended lines, he was quite serious, unfortunately the computer don't get to see the "Tougue in cheek".
But that being said, there are still a lot of pain in the butts on this board, as well as a lot of nice people.
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
What is wrong with a guy asking for some cheap air brush parts, or even some free ones, even if they sell the whole gun for 9.95? ....... At least it is an on topic post.......Something you can't hardly even get a reply on anymore.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :

I haven't been totally keeping up on every little post on the bullboard lately, but it sure does sound like what seems to be happening where I work, is happening here.

Is it because spring isn't quite here that everyone seems on edge?? People must be under alot of pressure, that it seems like instead of trying to look at life with a smile, people are walking around, presuming that everything around them is negative and they need to be on their toes because everyone is out to get them.

Unless you can live another person's life for a few days, don't presume who or what they are. I really have a problem with being attacked as egotistical or rich. Anyone who has ever met me in person will say that my self esteem is about as high as my bank account (... hey, where's my prozac??)

If a person can't make or take something that is intended for a smile, than I feel sorry for them, as they are going to become bitter, angry and paranoid.

And if the only way that people have to deal with things is to personally attack and put down other people, I'm sorry for that too.

I mean, gosh guys... HELLO!!!! Sometimes if you use something else as a reference (car vs airbrush) it is to show a point that is sometimes more easily understood if looked at from a different perspective. I do that alot. I said I was the one that said it, Bruce typed it, so I guess that makes me constipated, huh?

Let me try to be more BLUNT when saying this...

The reason I suggested that you save your money and get one, complete, new working unit is this...

When I was in sign school, we had an airbrush class. I am very much a perfectionist with very low self esteem and VERY hard on myself. (yes, on a few days when learning hand-lettering, I left school early that day in tears because I just couldn't do it 'right').

Using the airbrush was difficult; I had no previous experience using one and struggled to get it to do what some of the others seemed to do so easily (didn't matter to me they already had one at home.)

Knowing how 'temperamental' the darn things can be, I thought it would be a GOOD thing to suggest that if someone was learning how to use one (NOT suggesting that she is in any way as psychotic as me or suffers from PMS or anything else that would only make it harder), in the long run it would go faster, easier, smoother using one that works correctly; not taking the chance that she would fight not only the learning stage, but the mechanics of one as well.

As far as money... don't even go there. You really wanna know??? Ok fine...

When I bought my airbrush, I bought an eclipse. I spend $100. You want to know my financial situation at that time?? I was with a man that made happy hour twice a day at the bar. I got a grant to attend school... but took out the max I was allowed in student loans (which I am still paying off, by the way) to cover rent and bills.

In order for me to pay for my airbrush, I went without other stuff. I worked it in the best I could.

Yes, I understand about finances. You really wanna know? When I had my shop, my husband (at the time) and his biz partner never missed happy hour - the two of them together spent several THOUSANDS of dollars in the bar (very little money came home for bills).

My signs covered the bills... they had to. Each winter, approx Jan thru April, I never got regular electric bills... I got disconnect notices. I had to scrimp and save and allot what monies I had to keep the lights and heat on.

But I still had to get supplies for the shop. I still had to get tools. I borrowed them from other people. I cut coupons, bought generic at the grocery, dug through the recycle bin's clothing pile, bartered everything from food to dental work.

Set aside $5 a week and buy a new airbrush. Don't tell me you can't, cuz that just doesn't cut it with me.

And, no, I am not constipated, but it's nice to know that people care.
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Dana take it easy,I really didnt mean to **** people off,you said you bartered for food and even dental? All I wanted was to barter for a couple tips,I have a wife and a sick kid to raise,so I DON'T have any money,diapers,medicine,food,clothes where does it end? I have recieved a few emails from people that said they really dont want to post here for people to jump on them so they just read the posts. I saved up to buy a cutter,as hand painting was too time consuming,I have my own airbrushes and I will post a picture of my last mural to prove I'm not some punk with a cutter and no tallent.This board should be more like Belton's there motto is "be kind to one-another,See ya at Belton's
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Sorry Steve, but I still think you missed the point of the post.

It's not wrong to barter or trade or swap or whatever.

The point is that sometimes it is better to get something that is reliable right off the bat, than to fight to work with something that isn't.

It's not that you are trying to put together a $1000 plotter - you're looking at $50 for a NEW airbrush, all her own, working straight out of the box, so she can concentrate on learning how to use it, not how to tweak with it to make it work right.

Learning something is very difficult, even more so for some people depending upon their personalities. If she is easy going, nothing upset her, etc etc etc, fine, rig one up.

But if she is stressed due to family, health or financial issues, it would be easier on her in the long run to have something that works reliably during the learning stages.

Yes, people jump on people here, gee... sounds alot like a real family, huh?! Sometimes look closely to see who is actually doing the jumping, or instigating it. Having a sense of humor is not always jumping on people. I think there are others that just wait for the opportunity to rag on someone, then complain that other people are mean, in the same post!

I am alive because I have taken on a sense of humor to deal with life. I try to make jokes when I am uncomfortable. I try to smile with I want to cry. It keeps me from putting a bullet in my brain. It does not mean that I am jumping on people. I think alot of other people would be better and happier if they could make a smile instead of a bitter insult.
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
MAYBE,,he aint got $50 bux ......
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Kewl Dana,I see your point,But how is anyone gonna learn if they dont ask? I'll try to find a supplier for parts in Canada.WOW I'd hate to be Bruce when ya get mad,you sure can type,LOL.

Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Steve, I had to laugh a few times at this thread. Not because back-biting & negativity is funny, because it isn't, but just because I have been here only a short 6 or 8 months (?) & I can remember my first reactions to comments that got me riled up.

Now that I've been here a while you get to know peoples personalities, & then things don't get misinterpreted as much. I can go off on a real sarcastic & opinionated rant now & then, but hopefully that is not my entire reputation around here.

I blasted Bruce once for a reply very similar to his post on this thread. It wasn't my topic but I got so defensive I edited out some of the acid in my remarks the next day. Anyway explanations (his)& apologies (mine) were emailed & no grudge held.

Ya know you people would get alot more post's if you were cool about helping people out and not jumping on their backs!
Just a reminder that "you people" is over 2000 people including YOU. And we are as different as can be, so generalizations, (which are generally wrong anyway) are really unlikely to fit us all in a group this large. Be patient & you will like this place a lot. Maybe Belton's is great, but 2000+ sign folk can't be wrong, This is one hellova good place too.

Oh yeah the "get a lot more posts" was worth a chuckle. I used to think I could read them all for the first few days. I thought I just had to catch up with a few first.
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
I never said he did. I also didn't have $100 for mine, either, but it was a requirement for school.

I had $5. Then I had another couple bucks. Then I kept saving and eventually I had enough to buy the airbrush.

To tell you the truth, with as much difficulty I had in using a brand new one, I can't even imagine the frustration level in not only the learning stage of actually using it, but also in having to fix it at the same time.

For the ease of learning, and putting less stress on his already stressed wife, don't you think that saving up $5 a week is worth it?

It's not just airbrushes, its life in general. Alot of people don't have things handed to them on a silver platter... and sometimes those that do, aren't necessarily any happier.

This actually was a very simple post. Get parts and put something together or save up money and buy new. Which is better for him AND her in the long run is their choice. Period.

I think sometimes for people that already know how to do something, that they forget how hard it was to learn in the first place. Or maybe something that was fairly easy for them to learn will be almost impossible for someone else.

I know someone that does that to me, quite innocently. Things that are very easy and natural for them to do, are a struggle for me. But I have strengths in other areas.

Maybe he never considered the learning stage, only the money thing. I don't know, I'm not him. It's not a bad thing to try to show a different point of view.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
Steve, I think the question was an okay one to ask. You never know what other people have and are willing to get rid of (one man's trash, another man's treasure) I am always looking for a good deal and it never hurts to look and ask.

Example): When I was first starting to airbrush, I was talking to another local airbrush guy, and in the conversation he mentioned that he did not bother with rebuilding or replacing airbrush parts because it was a waste of his time, he just threw the WHOLE GUN AWAY and would buy another one (because he had the money, I guess!) So I asked for any of his spare parts, he gave me a box full of stuff, some of it just needed to be cleaned up.I JUST ASKED HIM FOR IT.
Example): Helped a guy setup a screenprinting operation, he had ran across a guy who owned a storage building and one of the people who rented had a complete screen shop in storage. they never came back and didn't pay the rent so the storage owner needed to get it out of his way. He ended up buying all the equipment for less than $500 ( the cost of the back rent) All he did was ASK FOR IT!!

Some of the responses that you got were not that far off from the truth, most of the parts that I have laying around that I don't use would be more trouble for you to mess with. But I don't think that was the "spirit" or "nature" of your question, I took it to mean, "hey, anybody have something that you don't want or need that I could possibly use to help me out?"

Since when can't we ask those types of questions on the BB?

Back to your exchange rate in Canada, that is a bummer!! I know that we can get stuff FROM Canada a little cheaper, but I didn't realize it was the opposite way THAT MUCH.
What is the customs rules and regs on someone in the states sending you a package??
Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Hi I didn't mean everyone on this board jumps on people,just a few,There are alot of wicked artists and "old timers" with piles of knowlege.I have learned alot from just reading,but I shouldn't b scared to post,But I don't really care if people flame me,I just didnt want to throw out my ol vl,I thought i could fix it up.My appologies to anyone I've offended. Mr.& Mrs.S runs a cool website here,and the majority of the pple r friendly,too bad a few think there picasso allready....Lets stop rantin and help each other out! Now I'm ready to be flamed again....flame away!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
Steve- I value my spares so I can't send them to you. But here is an idea. I don't know if it will work. You tell me as I don't know what it takes to ship something to Canada. If I was to buy you the Millenium or the VL for $49.95(you pay for it). Could it be shipped to Canada. I know this is probably illegal but it's not like I'm shipping dope or something. Could this be the way around the expensive exchange rate. Just a thought.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Heheheheheheeee...Rob....if it werks, Abdul & Mohammed want to know how ya did it!

Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :

How stupid is this question?

"If I was to buy you the Millenium or the VL for $49.95(you pay for it). Could it be shipped to Canada. I know this is probably illegal"
"Your words from your Posting"

There is an excise and duty tax on products crossing the border
Also the rate of exchange for Steve to send you the money.($49.95 U.S. equals $79.95 Can.) plus money order and or shipping.

All items have to be declared of their nature and monetary value, plus insurance.

All Steve asked for was someone that had any used parts that he would trade materials for.

Nobody remembers the post about his wanting some of us to help with a vector CD to sell to help his son out with! (He even offered to acknowledge our names to this as well as send off a free CD if it flys for him)

2 of us gave to his needs.
Myself and Victor.(Both people sent Original Artwork)
The rest said do your own work!

But the arguement goes on about ClipArt,Logos and passing it on!

Man! this is my final straw!

I have never asked and I mean never asked for anything from anyone in regards to Artwork.

I have tried to help with as much info that I have in my head about how to achieve the means to anyone goals.

I have seen more "SoapBox Artists" posting that Real Artist showing their picture worth.

I am leaving the Building!
[Confused] [Confused] [Confused]
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Hey Stephen ... calme toi! [Smile]

This BB is a lot like life, it's called the bullboard for a reason, there's lots of bull here.
Everyone here is entitled to an opinion, and not everyone's opinion is the right one. What one person thinks or does should have no bearing on what you think or do unless you let it . I think the secret is not to let ANYONES opinion or posts bother you, take nothing personal. If you don't like a post or a thread you can ignore it. And by the same token, if you believe life is a give and take, ask and ye shall receive. (regardless of the commentary you might get)

There are also a lot of GEMS buried in that bull, so don't give up on the board entirely. There is value here.
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Well I have talked to Bruce personally on the phone and he and Dana are trying to get across that it was tongue in cheek. Take him at his word that he was tweeking you a bit to make a valid point.

I don't think it is artistic egos here that are the problem, but a lot of people looking to make something out of nothing.

I have to laugh when Bruce jumped on me for being a cheap ass for trying to get cheap shirts at Sam's club for the embroiderer to do.
Hey Bruce, you were right. In that case,I was a cheap ass, but the shirts still look great [Smile] Other times he was right on in some of suggestions. That's what friends are for.

As is said often in these circumstances, lighten' up folks. Whatever problems you are having, it is not the fault of those who post comments to your topics.
Posted by Robert Larkham (Member # 2913) on :
Hey Stephen- Excuse me for living. That is why I asked the question dumb ass because I didn't know how things worked over the border and if there might be a better way to get this guy a new airbrush. I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE HELPFUL. I DIDN'T GET NASTY....BUT NOW I AM. How much money would be spent on everyone sending junk parts to this guy?...huh smart guy. If ten people sent their crap to him they would spend enough $$$$ on shipping to buy him a new brush. So let's take a collection and buy him one. Don't jump down my throat when I'm trying to help. Go re-read my thread. If it was a dumb question then fine, but I never got nasty. I don't do business with your country so I don't know how it works. But since YOU decided to get nasty then i will too, **** OFF....LEAVE THE ROOM. I don't care. I was trying to be helpful. Some of you people have got some real thin skins. It's so funny how this place has become a swap meet for clipart, fonts, junk equipment.

As for this man's sick boy. I feel for him. I hate to see any child suffer. But Stephen how much time do you danate to childrens organizations? Do you know how much I donate? No you don't. If you knew me you would know that every year I give my time to a national organization for terminally ill children.I feel sorry for this family but sometimes there is only so much a person can do. I need to make a living also.
Posted by jon peterman (Member # 528) on :
can i just send you a brush as a gift? i have about 14 of them with hoses
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Hi Dana!

Nice job coming back from that one!

You are right, this could have been a very simple post. I don't know how many times I've wanted to fix a tool and have been told that it was more prudent to buy a new one. Not always the answer I'd hope for, [Frown] but I consider the input non the less. Especially if it comes from a reliable source.

I realize it's a gamble on here to know what a reliable source is, but just the fact that someone makes the effort to give input is still worth consideration. Even if it's not always what we want to hear, or how we want to hear it. Consideration to the content of the words is certainly an option, not to mention a key to solid communication. [Wink]

Bruce/Dana gave a valid alternative, but the humour was read wrong by some. Most importantly by Steve, the one asking the question. Answering questions is getting to be pretty touchy business on here anymore.

I think there are others that just wait for the opportunity to rag on someone, then complain that other people are mean, in the same post!
Gal, you say a mouthful there! I note that they don't usually come up with any solutions for the topic at hand either. I fail to see the helpfulness in that, while it's crystal clear to me the destruction it feeds.

Steve, if you decide to rebuild your airbrush, I wish you luck with it, sincerely. My knowledge with them is very limited, but I am aware of the tempermental nature of them. I was fortunate to win an Iwata at a letterhead meet awhile back, and have been very happy with it. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination with regards to airbrushes though, as I'm somewhat intimidated by them, so if anything else good came from this thread, let it be said that I got some very good info from it too. I'm confident in the reliability their source too. [Wink]

Thanks for asking the question. And thanks also to those who contributed their knowledge and help with regards to that question.

Posted by Steve Spiry (Member # 2201) on :
Maybe my wife should take up bull riding,[less hassle],anyone got a bull or even parts so i can put one together?lol. There are alot of kewl people here at Letterville,but as said a couple bad apples are in every BB. My old vl has all the parts but the tip and it's kinda a shame to throw it out,but after all this I think I'll smash it with a hammer,run it over a few times,burn it and send pictures.Thanks to Stephen for haveing "balls" to stand up for me,Don't get chocked at stephen,Rob thanks for trying to help out,but I really dont have the cash.Hey Jon,kewl,if I can trade you something sign related for the brush email me and let me know,Man I would hate to be Mr.S the moderator that has to listen to this spatting,when all I need is a few parts.My appologies to Dana& Bruce for taking it the wrong way,but a simple Yes or No would have been appropriate.Thank You to all that helped or tried.
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
Having done this before this is how to send parcels across the border.Take air brush out of box and make it look used-scuf the box up a little and dirty the hose-wrap it in brown paper and mail to his real name "NOT" his bus-name.Insure for $50. or min.Stephon call your local high schools and see if they have any parts you could get and maybe take a co-op student in barter. [Big Grin]
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
oops;meant to write Steve.sorry

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