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Posted by Skip Willis (Member # 2871) on :
How do you "shift select" something in version 9 of CorelDraw? I'm trying to duplicate something from a WOW book (Mask an item) and it says to "shift select" an item.??? Sofar it doesn't look like the book's sample picture.
Posted by Signs by Shawn (Member # 426) on :
Holding down the shift key while selecting multiple items will allow you to move them as a "group" until you click away from the group, is this what you are talking about??

Posted by Skip Willis (Member # 2871) on :
I'm not sure what I mean! the book has me draw a series of zig-zag lines w/bezier tool, then duplicate it, then flip the copy horizontally and drag the left side handle of the highlite box to the right.(this makes a mirror image) Then I have to "join" the two halves by making the two paths into one. It says to "shift select" the two elements then Arrange,and then combine.Then it says to "Drag-select" (my next question!!) the overlapping end nodes with the shape tool and click the join button.
Sorry for the long post. I thought if I got a book it would help but so far my pictures don't look like the ones in the book!
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
The shift select command you are wondering about is a windows keystroke combination that allows you to select multiple objects with consecutive mouse clicks as long as the shift key is depressed.Hold down the shift key while you select the multiple objects(one after the other with consecutive mouse clicks not click and drag) then you can execute commands on the multiple group as a whole.
Posted by Signs by Shawn (Member # 426) on :
then we're talking about the same thing, you can do as I said above or just use your mouse to draw a box around both objects (while holding down the left mouse button) then their telling you to combine the objects, go to arange, then hit combine, now goto you node edit tool (the one under your main selector tool on the left, now select the node (point in a line where either an object begins, ends, changes direction ((where lines are straight) or where a line has a control point (with curved lines) and drag it to another ending node, in corel 10 it is set up on mine to automaticly connect the 2 if i'm within .01 inch of the other...does this make sence? this will connect the 2 lines and close your path at that point, it probably tells you to do it again at the bottom of the object, once that one is closed, you can apply a fill.

Posted by Bill Cosharek (Member # 1274) on :

Are you on page 42? I can explain the shift select but I'm gonna have to read up on the drag select.

The shift select probably works best in wireframe mode for this. (Like the 2 rectangles on page 43)
If you have the inner one selected, hold down the shift key & select the outer one on its outline.
When you do this, look in the status bar for where it says you have 2 objects selected. When you have 2 or more ungrouped objects selected, you can then combine. Then it will say 1 object in status bar. Is that too confusing? Sorry if it is. I'll have to read that section on the zigzag lines & let you know if it makes sense later today. (can't find the sleeping graemlin [Smile] )
Posted by Bill Cosharek (Member # 1274) on :
Ok Skip, I'm back. I guess coke caffeine & coffee caffeine don't kick in at the same time. They must take turns.

I followed the instructions on page 42. What they wanted you to do was create one half of the sunrise, then copy & flip to make both halves. Once you duped the left half, hold down the control key, grab the left side (middle/vertical) point & drag to the right. The control key constrains movement & creates an exact duplicate of left side on the right side which is reversed so you have complete arc. But you still have 2 objects. That why you must select 'm &
combine 'm. Once combined you can edit the nodes. You should notice that when the edit node tool is selected & so are the lines you're
working on, the 2 nodes in the center will have a larger square. This usually denotes open paths. Drag select the big node in the center & hit the close path button (join). Now you should have
1 connected zigzagged line.

Good luck & good night,
Posted by Skip Willis (Member # 2871) on :
Thanks a lot guys!This is starting to come around now. thanks again
Posted by Randy Campbell (Member # 2675) on :
hold down the shift button then click on one object then the other while still holding shift.go to arrange to combine and thats it.

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