It's Resident Draw Night here in Letterville! Be sure to mark Tuesday April 30th., at 10pm EST. on your calenders! We're hosting our regular Monthly Letterville Resident's Draw and you are all invited.
Since we were on the road attending live meets in March, that month's draw was postponed. That means we'll have twice the goodies to give away this draw! Here's what's up for grabs!
1.) Vector Art's new MEGA COLLECTION..... This CD includes 6,538 images by sign artists like "Tramp" Warner, John Hannukaine, Steve Kafka, Russ Mowry, Mike Sheehan, Bob Bond, Julian "Mr.J" Braet, Brian "The Brush" Briskie, Bob Behounek, Karen Souza, and many others. It comes with a huge, spiral bound 276 page (8.5" x 11") image guide and catalog, printed on high quality paper with sturdy laminated covers, front and back.
Thanks to Andrew Holmes for offering this great CD. Check out Vector Art's Website at
2.) Impact Vehicle Profiles CD-ROM V2K covers over 2000 models portraying front, rear and both side elevations.
All profiles have been professionally digitised and come in both 1:1 scale and 1:20 scale allowing maximum design potential for vehicle livery. Imagine the professional presentations and time savings this product offers.
5.) Two draws for Your choice of 1 gallon of RapidTac product Roger Bailey of RapicTac has donated one gallon any RapidTac product. Choose from Rapid Remover, Rapid Tac, Rapid Tac II, Rapid Clear, or Rapid Prep!
To learn more about RapidTac, check out their very informative website at Thanks once again Roger.
6.) Two chances to win a 3 ft by 24 yard roll of Banana/Bandanna banner! Cambridge Canvas continues to give away a roll of this popular product every month here in Letterville. Imagine all the banners you can make with 24 yards!
Special thanks to Mike Holtzy and the gang at Cambridge Canvas. Take a few minutes to drop by their website at
7.) Jack Wills and Victor Georgiou of AnchorBlanks have given us a Temblor Pack. Your choose of 5 fonts from Volcano Fonts. Display fonts are designed for sign making with graphics design software.
Are you wondering how you can get in on these draws?
We thought you'd never ask! Although Letterville is a free website, there are considerable costs involved presenting and maintaining it. Advertising pays some of the bills, but the true sponsors of Letterville are the Residents who pay a $50 US annual tax.
To continue to grow and improve our online meet, we need to attract more Residents. These monthly draws are just one incentive designed to encourage more small sign shops to support Letterville financially.
If you have been visiting Letterville for sometime, and see some value in what happens here, we ask you to consider becoming a Resident. To learn more about the benefits of moving to Letterville, please look at
Good luck to all in the draw and thank you for your support!
You can watch the draw live on HeadTV and/or chat with everyone on Letterville Chat. These draws are always lots of fun, so make an effort to join in and meet your fellow Heads.
[ April 30, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Sure hope "Duckette" wins sumpin'!!! Try to catch it on Head T.V.
Good Luck Everyone
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
I thought that this was worth bumping up!
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Thanks Jeff. Here's a question for you Letterville Residents.
Have you ever won a Monthly Draw? If so, what did you win and do you feel the value of that "door prize" was far more than the cost of your taxes?
Please post your answers below.
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
No I have never won a monthly draw. But I HAVE won some fonts from here for a post or two. And these fonts are SO worth the 50.00!! and much more! I think the monthly draw is a great idea. Another thought is when somebody becomes a resident....there could be a post introducing them....and telling a bit about them? just a thought
[ April 23, 2002, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: cheryl nordby ]
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
"Since we were on the road attending live meets in March, that month's draw was postponed. That means we'll have twice the goodies to give away this draw!"
Hey, did you guys read that?
Posted by Barb. Shortreed (Member # 1730) on :
Good Luck:)
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
. . . . you have my address. right, steve?
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
I haven't won yet! But I never win anything!! Good luck everyone.
Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
So cool, I can hardly wait. What does one have to do? Answer a skill testing mathematical question without the help of any electronic device? Just kidding...( I hope ) Father-in-law had six right in the Super7 draw of last Saturday, his last number was 28 instead of 30. Well, there were 20 million in the pot but no one won it... Admit it, I deserve to win a t-shirt for comfort (NOT, I really want the VectorArt!) Is it time yet??
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Steve, you're dealing with some really creative people here. Maybe next month you should take one especially good prize and have a creative writing contest. The 'head who spins the best yarn (in your estimation) gets the prize.