It is time again for us all to confess our worst spelling mistakes. This one has always made me laugh alot. Let's hear your worst, true blunders!
1. On a real estate splash...30 foot wide..."For Infomation call...." They got lots of calls...from English teachers.
2. On a Ford store...."Number 1 Customer Satifaction Dealer" It was up a year, I went back and recoated it, saw it on TV even and about died. No one else ever noticed it!
3. "Grand Openin Sale!" 13 foot tall letters... had an extra window there and considered an exclamation point, before the owner came out and hassled me to death!
4. The Sunhine Street Toyota Dealer" in a giant arch. No one was at all amused. Sunshine Street, dummy!
Come on. Let's hear yours!
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
"ENTERANCE" "MAINTAINANCE" I'm Guilty. I also trust my dictionary more than spell check.
Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
Had a fleet of vans for BBQ's Galore that said "Store Throughtout America"
Boss screen hundred of signs that advertised a "sandwitch" special
but the best was a big traithalon with Andersen Consulting being the MAJOR, MAJOR sponsor. Opening day, front page there's our banner with atheletes busting through it. The banner said ANDERSON with an 'O'.....bad news for us.
[ April 21, 2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: Corey Wine ]
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Haw! I have had my share of boo boos fer sher. Most of them were when I was a little hippy signpainter.....(puff puff) yeah I inhaled
Posted by Lotti Prokott (Member # 2684) on :
Some years ago, when I was still just helping out at the shop, the boss put CEMETARY on a 3x4' sign. I kept my mouth shut, figured he knows his english better than I. It got picked up and installed somewhere, never heard another word of it. When I made three signs with " Tepee Village" on it (spelled according to "Websters") the native customers just about had a bird. That's a swear word in our language, they informed me, and it should be spelled "Teepee". They never told me the meaning of tepee, but it is probably safe not to use it...
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
did a sign for a DAV disabled veteran and when i spelled out DISABLED AMERICAN VETERAN i spelled it VETRAN..was never caught till they had the tv station.....ther fliming the reopening..
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
Last month on a bank sign spelled "Mortage" 4 times on sign (cought by ad agency/customer before getting to bank ... luckily in vinyl)
Last week inverted the 41 in Oregon's area code. Got printed on 300 (out of 19,000) folders before it got noticed by print broker/customer. Had to scrape off and reprint just the two numbers.
I wish GA spell checking worked like all other programs and let you know as your going if somethings wrong ... I don't always remember to hit the spell check button ... of course wouldn't have helped with the area code f-up
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
"Pubic Parking". boy was I red.
Posted by Jeffrey Vrstal (Member # 2271) on :
I forgot about this... Years ago I was a butcher. I worked for a guy that actually promoted my "getting into the sign business". He was a great guy and took a lot of pride in his business.
We had an open house for 30 or 40 years in business. After much cleaning and sprucing up, we were going to have this open house and invite everyone to come for tours of the plant and finish the tour with free food and beverages in the warehouse area of the facility.
The boss took it upon himself to make up a pile of signs on paper "butcher wrap". He had one of those stenciling kits to make the signs. He laid everything out and spraybombed all of these signs that labeled the areas of the plant.
They all looked good enough except for the last one where you went to eat in the warehouse. Since he wanted to make sure that everyone got a chance to eat after the tour, several "WHAREHOUSE" signs were made. For some reason they all looked more like "WHOREHOUSE" signs and were very interesting to see as you drove by the place.
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
"Untied Methodist"
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Two weeks before anyone noticed.......!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Hehehe....sounds like the makings of another Bob Parsons cartoon.
Posted by Bernice Tornquist (Member # 16) on :
Fridge is spelled with a 'd'......not so with refrigeration...(no 'd').
I put a 'd' in refridgeration...looked logical to me. It was a rush sign, of course.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
'Camero' across the front windshield of a car. Kid drove around for 2 weeks before he noticed it. I don't know who was smokin' more
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I don't remember the word, or name as it may have been, but when I have to break a line of copy to minimize vinyl waste I often cut a duplicate letter to avoid making a judgement call on kerning, & to assist in keeping the base line straight.
Anyway I was cutting rubylith for a film positive for a t-shirt printer & he kept the double letters & printed lots of shirts. He was bummed but he remembered that I had pointed it out to him.
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
"Champaign" Headquarters..even spell check would have missed this one. The error was noticed after it had already aired on the local news. Pizza "Exress" did this one with a know how you just run out of space some times...but I got it right on the other side and the back of the truck. Judy