Hello- Here is a kind of neat thing I have noticed over the years- If you pour the mineral spirits that you use into a (fire safe) container, and store it until the next day- All the paint sinks to the bottom. Then it can be used to clean bruches over and over. I pour a bit into a jar, clean the brush, then pour it into another container. Then i take more of the old recycled paint thiner, keep cleaning the brush, pouring it in the other container, then pour it all back into the 'storage' container. You can clean brushes almost forever with the same mineral spirits. High tech, eh? -Shon
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Hi Shon I've been using the same method, kind of like a perpetual motion machine,eh? You've still got to deal with the sludge sometime, tho, whatever is the envirosafe way in your area. You can't use this recycled thinner to thin paint tho, it's been depleted in some way.
By the way, what do you do at Light and Shadow? Just curious, it's a unique name. I'm picturing you hopping around, staying out of both at the same time!!! Where's Manzanita? One of my favourite trees, up here we call them Madrona or Arbutus , at least they are in the same family
Cheers, John / BIT TOP Graphics
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
if you have any connection to body and fender repair places.....ask them if they have a REDUCER RECYCLER. been around for years, came into use in the 50's-60's when car paint reducers(these are hotter then mineral sprites) was going up in price. then again in the 90's they became more available. these are not cheap(the new ones) and some older shops have the old ones. they really work well. as for using recycled mineral sprits to thin paint, it will still work but will sorta dull the paint, something to do with the flow vehicle properties......