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Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
Anyone still with me? Yeah? Good. Time to Build our signface. We'll select the outermost shape of the sign, Copy it, and paste it over our wall. Then apply the Shadowlab filter on that object to give her some pop.

Now, we are going to create our goldleaf bevel. You'll see a wee little purple outline on the shape we just worked with, in CorelDraw we'll remove that outline and copy the same shape again and paste it into PhotoPaint. We're doing this because we want the bevel shape seperate from the shadow so we can fool with it without affecting the qualities of the dropshadow or the purple pinstripe.

In PhotoPaint, select the new gold shape and go after the Eye Candy filters, we're gonna' use Chrome. There are 3 tabs in this interface that have parameters you can play with, I've included one image of the whole interface, and a second image which shows my parameters on the other two tabs.

Yup, that bevel is way wider than it will be when we're done. That's ok, we're going to cover most of it anyway. Here's how she looks.

Next we are going to copy and paste in the outside green and purple boarders. Since we don't need to fool with these, go ahead and select them together and paste them as one object.

Now we get to do some sandblasting. Copy and paste the beige backround into photopaint. Now we could use the Texture filter here, but I didn't like the results. So instead we're going to select the beige object, and use Corel's paint bucket tool. We want to choose the texture fill mode (the icon that looks sort of like a purple brain), then select "edit fill" (the cyan paint bucket Icon). Find the Red Brick texture, and tweek the parameters like so:

Not bad. Now to give a bit of dimension, back to the Eye Candy filters. Select the beige object we've been working with and apply the Cutout filter.
Like in the Shadow Lab, we're using a shade of the background color instead of black. Make a note of the color used for the shadow here, we'll need it later.

There you have it, sign panel complete. In the next post we'll add the interior design elements and finish her up.
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :

Just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you taking the time to do this step-by-step. I'm a
signlab gal, just starting to dabble in coreldraw, and these tips on adding dimension to my presentations are wonderful. You've saved me hours of floundering, learning on my own.

Once again, my resident tax has been returned!!!!

Thanks Jonathan,

Suelynn [Big Grin]
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
You're welcome sue.
Part 3 (the grand finale) will be done tomorrow morning. I'm goin' for a beer now [Wink]
Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
I am glad you are doing this as well. I'll probably be printing it as I never have time to do anything when I want to! Thanks again!
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
I'm SignLab gal too! But I use Corel9 to change my SignLab files to a format I can send my clients. Also since I downloaded Eye Candy I have been wanting to learn how to use it.
Thanks for taking the time to make this step by step.

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