After stopping by here for a short pit stop, they are off and running again. Hoping to get past Savannah tonight and on into N.C. tomorrow. Steve gave us U.S. folks a nice compliment..... He said that the whole U.S. has become like a big neighborhood full of his friends. Thanks, Steve and Barb, we feel that you are our neighbor, also! And, very, very dear friends as well !!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Well, I hope Steve and Barb will have a chance to stop by while they are in North Carolina.
I'm thankful I got to meet both of them in person while in Orlando. I'm glad the shuttle launch got scrubbed when it did!
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Sure hated leaving Florida. We've really grown to love the weather and people.
Barb developed a severe headache and flu like symtoms, so we booked into a Days Inn in Jacksonville on Wednesday. After a good night's rest and some chicken soup I brewed up in the camper, we were able to spend a few hours with our old pal Matt Broadus before heading North.
It was really nice to get back to see John and Lynn once more on our way out of Florida. Anyone who attended their Spring Fling Meet a couple weeks back, are probally still as wound up as we are. Thanks for a job well done!
We bid The Smiths' a fond farewell around 10pm and drove North until we crossed into South Carolina. After spending the night at the rest area, we set off for Wilson, North Carolina. I've always threatened Glen Taylor that, if he didn't get his butt to a Letterhead Meet, we were coming to him. We're here!
Thanks to Glen, I have use of this Internet connection tonight here at the motel. Tomorrow we'll drop by his shop and spend a few hours annoying him and the employees. We're already missing that Florida Sun. Although sunny, the daytime temps have already dropped by 10 degrees.
From here, we go to Washington, DC for a quick look see before heading NW into Pennsylvania. Hoping to meet up with Jillbeans and make some plans for this Summer's big Letterhead/PinHead Meet In Mars. Only 3 days of heart meds left so we're moving fast. Stay tuned!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Gee, I guess I had better start cleaning up the shop!
Posted by faye welsh (Member # 2524) on :
jillbeans was so bummed to miss steve and barb... letterville business cards tucked in every nook and cranny and mailbox announced she had missed their visit. what a bummer... of course where was ms. beans??? in letterville at the local library!!! she called yelling in my ear!!! at least she called and learned they had done a quick drive thru and got some pics. oh, well.she will get to see everyone, soon!! she is working doubletime. i am super proud of her. fiddles..bean's #1 fan.