The other day my wife asked me if I wanted this hand held recording device that her Docs use for dictation as she has cooler equiptment for that now. At first I thought naaa, but thought it might work at well to make memory notes as I am driving along seeing projects that I need to contact. Hands free dictating to this little device picked up nine prospects this weekend that I would probably never have remembered. I am sending the brochures today. Great for a lot of other reminders too....just transcribe them to notepad when you return to the office. Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I have one but I always forget to use it. However, another use I had in mind for it was to collect details on a jobsite when you go to estimate a sign. You can not only dictate measurments, but conditions out on the site. That coupled with the digital camera is a good combo.
Now, if I can only remember to take it with me.
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Jack! Could you "Rewind and Repeat" that message please!
Women carry Purses! We have to pack everything in our pockets.....