i've been having some fun with a banner, I'm making for a benefit event. No demands just the text was specified. I decided to do a muilti-media thing using what i had available in the shop and work with my brushes as much as possible. One thing I decided to do was place vinyl text on a banner drawn on the banner. Painted Primirose yellow bulletin, the panel is a waving flag 66" x 22". I got stupid right here!!! I used some intermediate vinyl that I had for quite a while. Now usually whether I intermediate or HP vinyl on a banner, I like to clear over it with Krylon Acrylic. I sprayed a few coats over a little time and had no problem with the paint, but after a day or so, I noticed the vinyl curling at the edged. I knew the adhesive failed so I pulled off teh loose letters and relaced it with the same vinyl. That had no bite at all on the acrylic that had be sprayed on the paint. I removed all the intermediate and replaced with HP. Some of the letters started lifting immediately. I took all of the lettering off and recoated the panel with the primrose yellow bulletin again. That where I left it yesterday, My options are to repaint or try the HP again, but I want to know what my mistakes were. I know already, I used intermediate vinyl past its shelf life. Does acrylic give the vinyl fits?
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
My guess is that it was the solvents in the Kryon carring the plasticizers out of the vinyl to the acrylic.
Vynils is hard and brillte, but is softened by the plasticizers. Strong solvent will extract them. Sometimes to the adhesive layer, or to the substrate.