ah man.....such a high that was...DAMN IT I WANT MORE!!!!!!!! iam sittin here cuttin vinyl monday mar 25 and after a good nites sleep and some time to think about all that was put on the pallette this weekend...DAMN I WANT MORE!!!! more drugs man....yea thats what i need...thats what i want....man iam "jonesin" bad...this is like the best drug i ever had....after all the conversations, and meeting great people..i feel totally ALONE right now....and my mind is doin 90 miles per hour......DAMN I WANT MORE OF THAT DRUG....is anyone else havin this???? more DRUGS....HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Not since about 1967, I total tea now, Ha ha ha ha ha
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
OP go on and get that ole Thai Chi Quang working for you. You know that the general public can't even envision, what you saw at the meet.
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
i know what you mean OP
Posted by Mark Yearwood (Member # 2723) on :
I know how it is. I came home from Fred's meet and could not sleep for 3 days! Talk about wired up...then have to cut and weed vinyl on monday. Man, I just wanna keep paintin'!!!
I'm actually painting more now days anyway. I'm working on some panel art to trade with friends. I outlined flames on a harley Sat. and did some brush blending on some 4x8's.
I have customers come in the shop and look at the panels hanging around and go "ooh, that's neat.Is that art?"
They just don't get it. You have to be there.
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Joe, I'll take a hit a month.......2 weeks to recover.......2 weeks to get ready!!!!!!!!!!! Joe, Makin Chips and Havin Fun!
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Hey Joe, it's going to be ok we just found out from the Pensacola Health Department, they have the remedy...
you were suppose to drink the Lettering Juice instead