Hey Heads. I'd been contacted privately and asked to explain the usage of font groups in the Font Navigator app. So I figured I'd give it a shot. Let's take a look: Ok, the top left quadrant is your Font Catalog, where Font Nav. shows you all the fonts it found in alphabetical order. The top right shows the fonts you currently have installed. The bottom right is the niffty font sample window. And the bottom left quadrant is the font group window where you'll create your groups.
The Font Groups window acts alot like the Font Catalog, with the notable exception that you can create folders in it to organize the fonts in some way that makes sense to you (Serif, Sans-serif, Scripts, whatever you like). When you click on a font group folder, it will open up to show you the fonts inside. You can grab these one at a time and drag them to the installed fonts window to install them, or drag the whole folder over to install all of the fonts located in the group. An installed group font will continue to be displayed in the Font Groups window with a little check by it to let you know you've installed it
To create a font group, you click on the Create New Font Group icon located in the top tool bar (looks like a yellow folder with a little shiny gizmo on it). A folder will then appear in the Font Groups window all ready for you to name it. After you've named your new group, simply drag the appropriate fonts into it from the Font Catalog window and, presto, font group created.
This can be time consuming if you have a ton (I've got 4678) of fonts and you want to catalog them all, but I think the time is well spent if it saves you from scrolling through the whole catalog in search of one font. I really love my groups when I have to match a font for a client.
For example, A client hands you a business card as his "camera ready" artwork and wants you to match the serif typestyle on it. I'd launch Font Nav. and enter in the copy to be matched in the Font Sample window, then go over and open up my Serif group. Now I can scroll through JUST the Serif fonts untill I (hopefully)find one that matches. The sample text in the Font Sample window will change to match the typestyle highlighted in the Font Groups window.
Take note that deleting a font from only a group, will NOT delete it from either your Font Catalog or Installed Fonts lists. I hope this was of some help, if anyone has any questions please post them in this thread and I will do my best to answer them. Thanks for taking the time to read my little rant!
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Thanks a whole bunch for taking time out to explain this. After that last post, Dave loaded Font Nav. onto my computer this past weekend. I'm so glad to have this new tool to sort my stuff!
Again ... thanks for the help here. Janette
Posted by Bob Darnell (Member # 27) on :
I agree. This is one of the biggest benefits of Font Navigator, and I don't think most people use it. After the initial time it takes to organize your fonts, it saves a LOT of time when you're matching a letterstyle or just looking for a certain look. Great post.
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
<The sample text in the Font Sample window will change to match the typestyle highlighted in the Font Groups window.>????
Jonathon, I have been using Navigator for about a year now and find it easy and convenient. One thing that I wish I could do is to change the sample text box to a choice such as you have Letterheads and get it to stay there for more than one sample of style(like the copy works in corel draw sample window). I really get tired of re-typing the text in on every choice. Is there a problem with my use of the program,or is the just a function that could be much improved. Mine does not work like you describe. It came with Corel 9.. Thanks, Jack
[ March 18, 2002, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: bronzeo ]
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
You're Welcome Janette.
Thanks Bob.
One other thing, someone in my shop just asked me how to change the sample text, so I'll touch on that quickly since it's not terribly obvious. If you right click on the Font Sample window, there is a flyout menu that contains the Change Sample Text command. This command is also located in the View drop down menu.
Jack, that's kinda odd . I've never run Corel version 9, I skipped from 8 to 10. But in both those versions the Sample Text window has always bahaved just like Corel's font viewer in Draw. Perhaps there is something glitchy with your version? Any version 9 users have this occur?Sorry I cant be more help but I'm stumped, Maybe Corel has a fix on their site?
BTW, I've been running in win 95, 98, ME, NT4.0, and now XP all with the same effect.
Posted by taurus signcraft (Member # 572) on :
i'm still running ver9 on the older (read slower) puters in my shop and on my kids machines, ver10 on the machines that i use fontnav on 'all' of my machines works the same way and no i havent seen the problem that jack refers to i'd suggest sumfin is a little screwy, but what?
cheers gail
Posted by Bob Boyd (Member # 2500) on :
I just tried to install font navigator, but it doesn't seem to install on my hard drive. Does it run from the CD. It works with the CD in the drive. I am using NT4.0 & Corel 9
Posted by Elaine Beauchemin (Member # 136) on :
right click on the sample text select "change sample text" type your text and hit enter
...i always forget to hit enter
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
Jonathan Really do appreciate the explaination. Anything that keeps my fonts in an organised fashion is great for time saving. Well Done