These days if you were ask by somebody starting out what brand and what 4 size brushes would you recommend
Posted by Mike Clayton Graphics (Member # 723) on :
I do mostly vehicle lettering. When I started I was told to get the even numbered brown quills (#2, #4, #8, #10) and a 3/4 inch "truck letterer" brush. I now use Scharff or Langnickel brown quills, and buy just #8, and as it wears down I use it in place of the #4 and #2. That is what I would recommend if it applies to the application.
Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
My most used brushes would be #12 long (my fave) #8 long #2 short #4 long
All Rekab, if Oxlades isn't keeping sign brushes any more I dont know what I'll do to replace my #12 when its finally dead. You might want to consider buying some flats too, if you ask nicely Jon has some that he might let you try. I find the round ferrules easier to use unless its a big letter thats being cut in, but I guess thats a matter of being brought up on them. David
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
I got a load of "TIMI" brand quills, along with a bunch of "Classic" Langnickels, from Mr. Barrow of Winston-Salem NC.
I got enough to last me the rest of my life, and then some......
Ya might check with Katie........we made sure she had some to take back with her to OZ. Now she'll know hat good brushes really are.
Sure feels good to have a couple handfulls of the best brushes I've ever seen, or used.......!!
Posted by Linda Seymour (Member # 1904) on :
Ian, I started with 2,3,5,7,10 Rekabs-5 and 7 are my favs-7 has taken a real beating,more like a 3 now! David, Oxlades aren't stocking any sign stuff now but Graphic Art Mart carry Rekabs.
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Bob Burns posted a list of brushes for most occasions. I printed the list and when I bought brushes to give the paint a try, I followed the list as closely as possible. That was over 4 years ago. I've used all of the brushes except 1. I took the paper of the 1" cutter today. The 1 1/2" is still the cherry.
I lost the list long ago, but what I ended up with was: 2,4,6,8,12 lettering quill, a 3/4 one-stroke, 1/2" & 3/4" hog bristle flat, 1" & 1 1/2" cutters. I bought all Macks, as that was what the distributer handles.
I know that's more than the 4 brushes you asked about, but it wasn't long before I started adding stripers, liners, and such.
[ March 18, 2002, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Santo ]
Posted by Dave Hodge (Member # 1415) on :
Most signwriters over here that I know use sable rather than squirrel writing pencils.(brushes) I would recommend these to start with anyway as they are a bit stiffer and therefore easier to manage than the more floppy squirrel. I would suggest that they start with the shorter length out too for the same reason; with No's 2,4,6,8. I bought some squirrel quills and truck letterers for myself from the US of A and I wouldn't be without them now, but for starting out I'd still recommend the above.
[ March 18, 2002, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Dave Hodge ]
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
What are your thoughts about French Masters?
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
Regarding brushes.... for work on slightly rough or contoured surfaces, the Hannukaine/Mack Quill 79 is a series of 5 sizes of brushes... synthetic hair, round metal ferrule, dark green handle w/ gold end tip. They hold edge/shape, lettering on painted cement block... perfect(where a fitch would be overkill, that is) The real small brushes... you can do tip o the brush bullnose down to 3/16" letters.Work equally well in latex, just have 2 sets of brushes. Yes, designed by John Hannukaine and made for him by Mack, they are MAGIC in various situations.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Its amazing how many different answers you can get on this subject.
I prefer brown shorthair brushes on anything below a #4 or #6 and long hair browns on anything #6 and up.
My favorites are the long hair metal ferrule red sable brushes I have used for years (incredible for scripts) and recently Timi had some red sable quills (long hair) I snapped them up in a heartbeat.
I used a few synthetics for feather work and curley striping.
But I gotta tell you I'm taking some real money to Ireland next year to buy up as many brushes as I can lay my hands on from the English ...they have some of the best I've everlaid my hands on.
I still buy every Langnickle I can find...(long hair greys) but it's getting tougher to find.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Our own "pusher", Timi , turned me on to some really nice Autralian flats, Haydn's. They rival anything I've seen in thirty years. Makes me wonder about the Rekabs that keep getting mentioned.