I am so frustrated in not bing able to see any more than the couple of hundred fonts that the windows font folder can handle. Is there a software add-on or something that will let me see ALL the fonts in the font folder-even if there is 500 or more in it.
Posted by Elaine Beauchemin (Member # 136) on :
HI Laura,
if you have Corel Draw 8 - 9 or 10 you will find a utility called Bitstream Font Navigator. It will allow you to browse through your fonts Installed or not with the sample text of your choice. Maybe it can be puschased separately?
Good Luck!
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I got Font Navigator but didn't really understand what it could do so I don't use it. I thought it was more like a font detective program.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Hello Laura - here is one that I like. It has been mentioned in other posts, so maybe some others will comment.
Adobe Type manager deluxe has been great you can turn fonts on and off put them in groupes etc...
Posted by Elaine Beauchemin (Member # 136) on :
font navigator will search your hard drive for fonts and you can use it to browse your fonts install/uninstall tt and t1 fonts. You can make groups and install those groups as needed for specific jobs. and you already have it...try it to get the feeling of it...I find it quite neat for a free prog that came with Corel.
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
Laura I find that Font navigator is a really really good program. I have my windows font folder nearly empty and then I have a folder I called Corel fonts with a subfolder for any new fonts I buy,download or get with other programs. I direct font nav to search those folders and then I can draw them back and forth in font nav to make them active or not. maybe I haven't explained it that well but I will find you the link to a webpage with a full explaination. I have over 3000 fonts and no problem.
Posted by Randy W. Robarge (Member # 2022) on :
Great post! Just last week I got the message that said I had too many fonts and could not install any more. I thought it was a program glitch. I never knew Windows had a limit.
I use Corel 9.0, I'm gonna look at the Font Navigator.
thanks for the info.
Posted by taurus signcraft (Member # 572) on :
i agree font nav is the best thing since sliced bread!
i have over the years tried a number of font management programs and this beats em all hands down
i dont keep any more than a bare min of fonts in my windows dir, instead use the font nav cache
with the small network of puters we use here, all the fonts are in the same dir on one hard drive, so we 'always' have 'the font' used no matter what puter is accessing the file
from time to time when opening an old file the system kicks in and says you need to install this font and then proceeds to do it for you either temp or permanently, it all up to you...i luv it!
searching for a style of font is great too, you can 'see' what its going to look like long before you decide to use it or not
oh and i had just on 5000 fonts in my font dir so with that many files having diff names but being copies of the same font really it is so much easier to junk the stuff that you really dont need
cheers gail
Posted by Steve Siu (Member # 437) on :
I use Windows Me and 98, Corel 8 and Sign Wizard 4. I have as of today 798 fonts in my c:\windows\fonts folder and have no problems at all. On my computer at home I use Windwows XP Pro and have over 800 fonts in it, and Corel 8 works fine there too.
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
Here’s the email that I sent to Laura, I am posting it here (and probably should of to start with) as there is a few who haven’t seen the advantages of font navigator.
I thought I would follow up on the question you asked in a bit more detail. It’s great to give back as I feel I have been on the receiving end for too long. I have sent you this link which is a good explaination of what the aim of tidying up the fonts will achieve but I would add that I didn’t do my system like he suggests. I was doing a complete setup as I got Win XP and I knew how to work Font Nav. I allowed windows to install as per usual and then I created the extra folder for all my corel fonts (I called it ‘all fonts’ but call it anything you like except ‘fonts’, windows will object to that). Within that folder it is wise to keep another folder for any extra fonts you might get like free from the net or from new programs that come with a few fonts. Once you have done that you can start up font nav and in the file section at the top you will see the option to search for fonts. Direct it to your fonts folder (within windows) and then to your ‘all fonts’ folder (it will search any subfolders within it).
Once that it done you will two columns in font nav. The one on the left is all the fonts available on your system and the one on the right is all the active fonts available to use in any program of your choosing (more or less!). When you click and hold down and drag from left to right you are moving a shortcut from where the font is to the windows folder (a shortcut only and not the font). When you do the reverse you are moving the shortcut out of the windows folder and therefore the font is not available.
The neat things that I find with font nav are that you can put a single font into your subfolder with your ‘all font’ and then search for it with font nav and once it is in the left column you drag to the right and it’s usable. The other thing is that there is some nice options for displaying the typeface, One you can change the default sample text (handy to put the word you want to layout) and two you can get it to show all decorative text or serif or sans serif typefaces (this is slightly dependant on if the author has given them a category). The one thing to mention in closing is if you have signlab then be aware that it’s fonts are unique to itself and therefore you can’t use them in any other program and can’t bring them into font nav.
Steve, you could find your system giving trouble in all sorts of subtle ways. Microsoft does not recommend over 400 fonts in the windows font folder and I know that my speed drops any time I hit over 500.
here's the link to the unleash article unleash.com
by the way, unleash.com has a lot of really good free tutorials for corel 8,9,10
[ March 15, 2002, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Miles Cullinane ]
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
I got to go with Font Navigator too. I feel that it's also a good idea to have ATM lite from Adobe to complement it. It allows you to view and use type1 fonts in most applications too. Best of all, it's a free download. Havin' fun, Checkers
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Glad you asked this question Laura!
Posted by Jonathan Androsky (Member # 2806) on :
Everyone pretty much beat me to the punch on this one, but what the heck. Font Navigator is a gem of an app. I love the way you can preview your text without having to install the font.
Font Nav. looks like this for those of you who have never seen it: