So last weekend I am out having total spring fever, in my shorts and t-shirt coaching my Little League teams first practice of the year. Today I wake up to 6" of snow! Surprise, Surprise!
I actually love the snow, coming from Michigan, I miss it, you can keep Detroit though
Cheryl, I hope you put shoes on today when you go out to the garden
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Hey Brian....yeah SHOES, long undies..gloves, hat.....sheesh what's up with winter anyway??? Yesterday was like a snow blizzard huh???. But had the fire cracklin'.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
I got a laugh out of the local TV news this morning: Record low overnight temperature for this time of year in Oakland.
Are you ready for this? 42 degrees F!
Thats short sleeve weather for our northern friends.
Vic G
Posted by Brian Diver (Member # 1552) on :
Went to the Sonics/Hornets game last night and when we came out it was a darn blizzard. Going over the Ship canel bridge was quite trecherous as we couldn't see 10 feet in front of the car. It was like that most of the way to Everett! Had the fire cranked up today :-)
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Ah...72 and sunny with a light breeze today! And, tomorrow is gonna be better. Heck, I might even finish rebuilding the front porch tomorrow.