While I know 2003 is still a bit away, I thought I'd let you know about Kilkenny 2003, a Letterheads meet in one of Ireland's most historic cities.
There will be plenty of classes, and we are at present trying to persuade the city fathers to allow us some city wall space as murals are currently against the local bylaws. We also intend to sign the exterior of one of our better known pubs so you won't have to go to far for refreshments, the dates are August 8th.-10th. which is the start of The Kilkenny Arts festival, so there will be plenty of extra curricular! i.e. exhibitions, music recitals, theatre etc., part of the reason for posting now is because accommodation is scarce unless you book these dates early.
So for any one even remotely interested in attending contact us now kilkenny2003@iolfree.ie so we can forward accommodation details, We will of course keep you posted as details are finalised.
Best Regards, Eóin Quigley & Peter McCullen
[ February 25, 2002, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Eoin Quigley ]
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Now that's a hell of a 1st post, Quig!!! Welcome on board.
[ February 25, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Santo ]
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Yep! I guess I could have introduced myself first, but because I know most of you I presumed you knew me.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Welcome to Letterville Eoin. We've known Peter McCullen for many years, and it's a treat to meet another Irish Letterhead.
Please keep us posted as details on your meet develop. If we can help you create a website that promotes this meet and/or a downloadable Registration Form, we'd be glad to help. Send us your meet logo ASAP so we can get all your info on our Events Page.
Posted by TransLab (Member # 470) on :
Hmmmm .... Sounds like a great excuse to turn a lovely vacation into a business trip ...
Where exactly is Killkenny ??
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Mike, Kilkenny is about an hour and a half drive south from Dublin Airport Ireland, and it might make a nicer vacation than a business trip, by the way Steve I did meet you face to face at your house, see if you can remember, Eoin
[ February 25, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Eoin Quigley ]
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Eoin...I've been watching for this (I heard about it through the "grapevine") and you can absolutely count us in.
Pat and I had such a wonderful time at the Cork meet we can't wait to get back to your lovely country.
Please send all the info you can gather, we wouldn't miss another opportunity to be in the land of Guiness and red headed women.
For those of you that wonder what it's like to go to a meet in Ireland check this out...http://www.letterhead.com/meets/cork99/
Thank you for the invitation!
[ February 25, 2002, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Karen Stein (Member # 241) on :
Hi Eoin!
Were you at the Boise meet? I think I sat behind you during Rick Glawson's slideshow, and then I think we met while walking about on the last day..you were making plans on where to take the family for a short 'see America' trip. If that was indeed you, I'd love to hear how the rest of your trip went and how the children liked it.
I keep saying that one of these days I'm going to get to Ireland, and maybe the meet there in 2003 is the perfect reason to start saving up for that trip. I'll be watching for info
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Hi Monte, I have fond recollections of meeting yourself and Pat, in particular the Jameson's Distillery visit, our meet is 5mins from Kilkenny Beer Brewery so perhaps we might arrange a tour, Eoin
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Karen, nice to hear from you, yes myself Marian and the kids made it up through Jacksons Hole past the Tetons into Yellowstone just to miss old faithful while we were brousing round the store, we drove up as far as Butte and back down to Boise to be treated by Noel & Lucy to a birthday surprise for my daughter Enya. I have a nice shot of the kids hitching back from Montana I'll email it to you why don't you take a leap and join us for the meet Eoin
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
I'll count on it and the first Guiness is on me...
Did Gerry ever get anything worked out with his students doing signs for Jamesons?...I hope so and I'd sure like to see it again if they did.
Good seeing you here Eoin...check in here March 8 9 and 10 there will be a headcam set up at Freds'meet in Oklahoma City and we can say hi again.
Watch the BB for times!
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Eoin... do you have a picture of that gold leaf job you were working on in cork?
I always wanted to see it finished...
I wish I had known you were in the states we'd have hooked up!
See you in Kilkenny!
Posted by Fernando Ocampo (Member # 2133) on :
I wasw informed and invited to the meet at Glawson's two weeks ago. I'm already planning to go if God permits.
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
I'm sorry Eoin. As I get older, it gets more difficult to place names to faces. How could I forget the afternoon we spent sitting at the picnic table with you and Russ Kelly? Here you are!
When we met, you were contemplating a possible move to Canada or the USA. What did you decide?
[ February 25, 2002, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Monte,I'm just now in the process of redoing the Wizards panel, I'm sure it'll be done by'03
Fernando, I hope you can make it, and bring that big beardy guy with you
Steve how long did it take you to click? despite having a great time with Russell, I decided to slog my guts out here instead,
[ February 26, 2002, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Eoin Quigley ]
Posted by Kristi Percell (Member # 255) on :
Hi Eoin,
I attempted to send you an email to request information on the meet, but I am having problems.
Can you please send us the info:
kpercell@percellsigns.com or Percell Signs 2570 Bodega Ave Petaluma, CA 94952
Thank you
Ron & Kristi Percell
[ February 26, 2002, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Kristi Percell ]
Posted by Terry Colley (Member # 1245) on :
Perfect timing we always go to Ireland in August so we will be there, Whats the official meet name ? Cheers Terry Colley
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Kristi, I'll have details posted on the live meets page before the end of the week(with the help of SS) I tried the email link and it seems to be working o.k. maybe someone can give it another shot to see if it works. Hi Terry, myself and Peter went through a lot of names, but we're keeping it simple "Letterheads Kilkenny 2003", to make it more accessible to the people of Kilkenny and the Arts Festival people Kilkenny2003@iolfree.ie Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
I'm there Eoin and looking forward to it.
No special name but what about any theme?
Monte look forward to seeing you.
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Myles, a chara conas atá tú, I happen to think "Kilkenny 2003" is a special name , and I know when the meet is over this will become evident, the theme of the meet is Friendship, Sharing with the Community, and Some Painting. while we haven't all the blank spaces filled in I can tell you that our plan is to have some fairly significant wall murals to do, and a Pub Exterior sign, also as we are running the event during Kilkenny's Arts Festival, what we'd like people to do is to create panels which will go on open exhibition for the week of arts week, and hopefully permanent display in Kilkenny, I haven't decided on a theme for these artworks yet but they could for example be on beers of the world, they should be pertinent to the area you come from, we're talking with companys to sponsor this as it could also be a travelling exhibition we will of course be running many other classes from sandblasting to carving to vinyl etc. I'm working on the full list at the moment, and Ill keep you informed, best regards, Eóin kilkenny2003@iolfree.ie
[ February 27, 2002, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Eoin Quigley ]
Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
My word, Eoin, your timing is remarkable. As I sit at my computer tonight I'm just a few hours returned from Ireland, where I spent a day with 1999 Cork Letterhead host Gerry Fitzgibbon, and had visits with Len DeLacour and Declan Newman, as well as finally meeting the incomparable Tomas Tupair at his studio in Clonakilty. (Miles, I'm sorry we didn't manage to get together! ) I'm thrilled to hear that the date and settings for this meet have now been established, having heard a very secretive rumour to this effect from Peter McCullen in Ontario last spring.
As for anyone else who's considering this: Don't think about it, just go!! The reception we received from the Irish letterheads in 1999 was outstanding, as was the hospitality - only two days ago! - shown to me by Gerry Fitzgibbon. Ireland is a wonderful country, and I can't say enough about the people I've met and the places I've been there. A bit of advance planning is needed of course, but a trip to Ireland need not be as expensive as you might think - the nine-day trip I just returned from, which included a traditional music festival, accomodations, all of my expenses (including Guinness) and bus fares hither and yon, was just under $1,200 - INCLUDING airfare (round-trip, Boston to Shannon, was $357). Needless to say I'm still "buzzing" a bit, having just returned, but I'll say it again - if you are goint to go to any meet in 2003, go to this one!
And one more note: For those that don't wish to embarrass themselves as I have, Eoin is pronounced "Owen", not "Ee-an"
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
I knew that Cam!! (2 semesters of Gaelic) lol....this one sounds like a fun one!
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Cam, I'm sure you had a good time, and I look forward to seeing you in '03, you certainly added colour to the Cork meet, Again I have to stress that people coming over need to make accommodation enquiries, have a look at two sites kilkenny and kilkennytourism and remember any problems just drop us a line regards, Eoin Quigley & Peter McCullen kilkenny2003@iolfree.ie Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Eoin, I am interested in making the Kilkenny 2003 Meet. I didn't get to see Ireland when I went to the Ole Bull & Brush Meet in Romiley, Stockport, England. Please keep us posted on this meet! Now that I see your picture..I remember meeting you and you wife at the England Meet. Looking forward to seeing you again! Judy
[ March 02, 2002, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Judy Pate ]
Posted by Eoin Quigley (Member # 2302) on :
Hi Judy, make this one because it is going to be good, We're talking to town hall at the moment about the murals because they're right in the middle of town, but I had a meeting Friday with the Arts Festival organisers and they are very anxious to help us any way they can. I'm going to bore you guys with this but it is vitally important that you make accommodation enquiries, as even on normal weekends it is hard to get beds close to town again have a look at kilkenny tourism and kilkenny and just to see the type of activities available have a look at kilkennyarts and if you have any other questions, drop myself or Peter a line, regards Eóin Quigley & Peter McCullen kilkenny2003@iolfree.ie