Ever lose an order literally? On the way to the computer the order slip falls to the floor out of your pockets. What if you could get rid of the paper and pencil and enter the order direct into your computer. Here s the trick. This christmas my brother gave me a Palm m 505 as a gift. With this PDA and the stylus you can enter and store text memos. Pdas like this can link to your computer and exchange files as assci text. So first you enter the text (which in my first try was licence numbers for a trucking firm). Second you hotlink your pda with your computer. Third you open the memo with the info for the sign on desktop software for you pda. Fourth you select the text with your mouse hi- liting it and press ctrl c or select copy in the toolbar above. Fifth you open your signmaking program (mine being signlab 5.0 colormaster). sixth you press ctrl v for paste and your assci text will appear on your sign blank(atleast mine does) You are now able to change the font and spacing to anything you want as assci text is the basic character that is sent from your keyboard to your program. Love to show this type of stuff to my parents and say "LOOK MOM NO HANDS or key strokes in this case.
[ February 28, 2002, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: paul taylor ]
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Just don't drive over your Palm Pilot with the shop truck like I did. It doesn't remember real well after that. Vic G
Posted by paul taylor (Member # 2782) on :
yes indeed victor . And Pencil and paper are not worth 350 bucks. I was thinking of getting a necklace and making the palm the center piece. What a fashion statement. lmao
[ February 28, 2002, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: paul taylor ]
Posted by Jeremy Vecoli (Member # 2278) on :
I run my window splash business on a palm pilot. Mine has a digital camera attachment, and software that lets me draw on the screen. I do all the financial stuff on it as well.
Posted by paul taylor (Member # 2782) on :
wow that is something and not being sarcastic here. Don t you love those palms jeremy? I use the palm for the financial stuff too and I have photo suite on mine. The nature of my biz is that I do a great number of sales calls so with the photo suite I download layouts generated in corel and at the same time the palm is my portfolio with pictures of my past work. The great thing is as far as the layouts is you show the idea and if the customer wants to show the husband or wife you are able to say "well a paper copy will cost you x amount of dollars". the palm can stop people from taking your idea and shoppping it around town A pda is something that you never think you would buy but when you do have one you wonder how you lived without it.
[ March 01, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: paul taylor ]
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
The 6 step boogie that you did at the begining was about to turn me off. But I like the idea of the portfolio in hand and instant recordkeeping that the Palms offer. I think I'd like to hav something a little bigger. There was a unit called the Hammerhead, that was PII based a few years back. I don't know if they kept pace with technology and came down in price.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
I downloaded all the HP print media choices and prices from their website, erased all the unneeded info with a word processor, and then put the data into my palm pilot. This is very handy for estimating on the fly.
One nice thing about a palm pilot is the way it synchronizes to the desk computer. If you kill your old palm, as I did, you just buy a new one and sync it from the desk computer.
The first one was a very expensive top of the line. The second one is an M100, about $100 at Frey's. I really like these things. Vic G
Posted by paul taylor (Member # 2782) on :
hey santo good to hear the great input and perhaps my writing gets lost in the reading. Like alot of things with trying to explain computers I can see it so simply in front of me on the screen but others can t see it. But hey it is there as my little gift to the community and hope it helps some of the people in someway. The palm (or any PDA Note steve I am not a palm salesman)is certainly something that can help with tasks we all hate to do like bookeeping and expenses. The photo suite program I talk about is 22 bucks in canada at your local staples but of coarse you do need a color palm to use it fully with photo suite The draw back of coarse is screen size. I beleive there are two models mine being the M505 which is higher priced and I think a 300 series model is color too. Perahps if I get some help with posting images here and if people want a step by step I will do one that is illustrated
[ March 01, 2002, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: paul taylor ]
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Well hey Paul nice to see you posting. The Palms certainly seem handy to have. I would need two tho......as I am scattered and misplace things.
Posted by paul taylor (Member # 2782) on :
yes cheryl you need two palms for sure one to organize your life and the other to play Gary Moore mp3 s and turn light bulbs
[ February 28, 2002, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: paul taylor ]