Please add any birthdays for march...we are all bizarre here in Letterville...
+-------------------- Bizarre Holidays --------------------+ MARCH
March is... National Furniture Refinishing Month
March 4 is... Holy Experiment Day
March 5 is... Multiple Personalities Day
March 7 is... National Crown Roast Of Pork Day
March 8 is... Be Nasty Day
March 9 is... Panic Day
March 10 is... Festival Of Life In The Cracks Day
March 11 is... Worship of Tools Day
March 15 is... Buzzard's Day and Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
March 20 is... Festival Of Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
March 22 is... National Goof-off Day
March 18 is... Supreme Sacrifice Day
March 27 is... National "Joe" Day
March 28 is... Something On A Stick Day
March 31 is... Bunsen Burner Day
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
March is... National Furniture Refinishing Month
Alright already...I guess I'd better finish (pun intended) refinishing the furniture I brought back from my dad's house. It's half sanded and is sitting in my garage awaiting a burst of motivation from me...could be a while .
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Hey! My sister was born on the 20th. No wonder I always thought she was a little wierd when we were kids!
Posted by warpaint (Member # 2395) on :
Every day seems to be march 8th and 9th for me!
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Thats the first I've heard of a national Joe day.....but they did't get my birthday right...oh well, at my age I'll take what I can get! hehe Maybe it's OP's birthday or.......hmmmm... Joe, Makin Chips and Havin Fun!
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
"March 4th- Holy Experimant day"
Is that "Experiments" in holy stuff ???
Is that "Experiments" like.....
"Holy Experiments,Batman ??
Just curious.
[ February 27, 2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Troy Haas ]
Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
March is... Kookie's gonna be in America Month
hehehehe... YAY!
Posted by Cpack (Member # 2011) on :
March 6th - Cis gets blasted by the Insurance Company's lawyer. I give my depostion from the wreck I was in Oct.26,98. The guy hit me from behind and I lost my life as I knew it at that time. But because of that, I found the Letterheads and I have a new life.
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
I like the 17th - that's the day I'm Mickey Lannigan.