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Posted by Michael West (Member # 2624) on :
Hello everyone,

I am looking for an inexpensive Postage Meter system. I need something that is capable of printing on envelopes as well as printing labels for shipping tubes. Has anyone tried’s online postage deal?

I know there are a lot of systems out there, but I would like to hear what everyone is using successfully.

Please share things that you like and dislike about the Postage meter systems you are currently using.

Thanks in advance.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Michael, we had a Pitney Bowes postage meter at the store. If you can handle the $20/mo or so to go this way, it is a spoiler. We mailed hundreds of pieces every month. The labor saving more than offset the monthly charge.

When we sold the business, we switched over to Pitney Bowes online service Click Stamp. This works for me because I mail packages with varying postages, and Click Stamp reads my Outlook database and produces both a stamp and a shipping label.

I keep 34 cent stamps in house for first class mail and $3.50 stamps for priority parcel. It's just not worth the time and effort to create these two items on line.

I use a $9 Office Depot scale. I find that it is not highly accurate. That means many packages go out with 24 cents too much postage. If you are mailing hundreds and hundreds of pieces, you can either lease the Pitney Bowes scale or buy a $60 digital scale.

Hope this is helpful to you. Vic G

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