so the new layout (photoshop render)
Their logo (cleaned quite a bit)...
internal lit extruded pan faces ...
what I want to do is block out light with black and have burgandy and white light up.
The gerber translucent burgandy is rated 5 years ... that sucks.
can I apply vinyl and encase in a clear (preclude maybe?)
mask and spray burgandy with that gripflex stuff (never used before ... is it translucent without being compete pain in ass to get acceptable results)
for the "scrolls" he wanted I'm thinking about cutting .080 alum and leaving "tabs" under the rounds that can be bent then attached to the box.
Sound reasonable? I think actual iron scrolls would be hard to see at that angle.
How would you handle the box being off center in the poles?
Thanks for any advice
If you've never sprayed it before I'm afraid you're gonna find it's a complete pain in the ass. It's not hard to do but does take a little practice. Without a light source/box it's impossible. There are numerous ways to screw up a job like this, tiger striping, mottling, bleeding, static, etc.. You can't get away with any repair work, the lighting magnifies the slightest screw up. A screwup at any point requires stripping and starting all over
Cut and apply a mask for the lettering, spray the black til it's opaque, pull the mask for the burgandy spray the entire back of the sign burgandy, pull the mask for the white and spray the entire back white.
You'll have to get a light box and I'd strongly suggest a piece to practice on til you get the feel of spraying the grip flex, it's like spraying nothing else.
The best bet would be to sub it out.
Everything George said here is 100 % as for the offset pole problem...why not incorporate some verticle scroll
work there to tie in with the scroll work on top.
Oh did I mention??? NICE DESIGN
One of these days Mike ... I'll just have to bring my a** out to Sodus ... we'll find something to work on ... maybe paint some chicken with sauce or something hehe