My lease on the laptop has expired. It has served us well the last 3 years, but the time has come to say good-bye.
The new laptop will be running WindowsXP Professional. I could have gone with 2000 Professional, but opted to go thru the expected XP upgrade pain early and get it over with.
I understand some of my current programs may not work with XP. I'm hoping that those of you who have already taken the XP plunge might be able to help me avoid some headaches.
Here is a list of my favorite programs...
There are lots of other applications as well, but this should be enough for a good start. Thanks in advance for any advice and/or tips you can share.
Posted by Ralph Thorne (Member # 2370) on :
Go to You can download a small program that will run on your current machine and give you a report on any program that will need to be updated to run on XP.
Posted by Mark Neurohr (Member # 2470) on :
Steve, Here's another thing to try. Install your program, goto properties, right click, choose "compatibility mode", ie: Windows 95, Windows 97 ect.... this may work for some of your programs.
Example: I'm running Microsoft Office 97 on an XP platform, in Windows 2000 mode.
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
I can speak for Photoshop. It runs great with XP.
In spite of all I hear against XP, I think its the best and most stable yet of ANY program I have used.
I'm a huge fan!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Nearly all your 32 bit software will work fine in XP. (theres always an exception) your 16 bit stuff may (will) have trouble.
Most compatibility probleems so far are with older machines and thier add ons. New Machines will the XP logo should have no problems at all..
But since this is a new OS there are exceptions.
there are so many new sites dedicated to XP that I wont post any urls. some oen will always find a better one..
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
no problem with Corel Draw9 so far. Love the whole XP setup. Stable, real Stable!
Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
I wonder if that will work for my customers. The fourth sign in 6 years finally is what I sold it as, no misspellings, and what they asked for. Of course, keep paying me along the way while I get it right. I'm glad Microsoft finally has a good one.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Steve, when you return your lease computer, do you get to keep the case? Steve laid the gold size on the leather case while visiting here, and I gilded it with some gold that I won from one of the monthly raffles.
Also, Ralph, could you be more specific and give us a name and location for that tool ? Thanks
Posted by Steve Burke (Member # 2674) on :
TRY THIS FOR WNIDOWS UPDATES- I think it should work. I have XP on my new PC at home, and it is super for: burning CD's people who like funky desktops internet as for most applications, I am not sure...the right-click option mentioned is what I had to do for a couple of games, but I don't run any business stuff at home (can anyone say $1500CAN for a gaming machine??!!??)I can say that it hasn't crashed once. It also includes basic stuff like winzip...Media Player...Auto CD burning, just follow the cues...
Posted by Ralph Thorne (Member # 2370) on :
[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Thanks for all your help. I was starting to fear that many of my older programs might have to be replaced and/or updated. No way the budget could bear that.
I downloaded and installed the program Ralph suggested. It indicates that most of my existing programs will work when installed on the new laptop. The only thing I am really worried about is HeadTV. 3com no longer supprts the webcam we use but I was able to find a driver on their website that they claim will work with XP. If all else fails, we'll have to replace the cam.
What about SignLab? I currently have SignLab 5, Rev 11 on my laptop. Will it work?
I'm keeping the old case Rick. Since you and I got at it, several others have added their autographs to it.
[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Posted by Bob Darnell (Member # 27) on :
I'm running Signlab 5 revision 5 here at work with XP. No problems, but my station isn't hooked up with the plotter (except through the network). They're running Win98 downstairs, so I don't know how the plotter driver situation is for XP.
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
I got XP after upgrading to Signlab e6 and all works well.
Forgot to add, you need to go to their website and get the lastest hasp driver.
[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: Jim Upchurch ]
Posted by Bob Darnell (Member # 27) on :
Oops. Forgot about that. I had to upgrade to the new HASP driver too.