Bucket Trucks, scissor lifts, trucks with scissor beds, bucket trailers. How do you get high? This is a repeat question from over a year ago, but time is changing and so are sign ordinances, causing signs to be placed in unusual and hard to reach areas......... It seems that everyone in my area has one but me. The main drawback is the small amount of weight that can be handled with a bucket and the way you have to operate the bucket while carrying. Speaking mostly of a panels 4x4 and up. I suppose you could use a pulley system on a pre-installed bracket to pull heavier pieces up. Whats your dilema/fix? Bronzeo
Posted by Mike Kelly (Member # 2037) on :
Jack, I let the "other guy" do it. In the next town over from me is a large sign company with about five trucks. I hire them to do the installs that I can't with my 8' step ladder. I get charged 80% of their normal install price and I add 20% to the customer. Plus, the sign company allows me to cover over their name with magnetics that have my company name and phone number on them. It's a good deal for both of us. They get more work and my small one-man shop looks like a larger company. In fact, I've had people say that they see "my trucks" everywhere.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Jack, I happen to have an older 30' ladder truck with a metal square basket at the end of it. On the bottom of the basket, my step father welded some metal brackets and an "L" shape at the end. So I can hang a 4'x 8' by myself, either vertical, or horizonally. On the side of the basket I mounted a small box so I can grab my drills, one for screwing into the wall, the other to screw it down, without changing bits. In Sign Builder Illustrated, can't remember which issue it is on the front cover there is some ladder trucks, inside there is a vendor that is selling a complete system that can be mounted on your van or truck, with a sytem mounted on the bottom of the basket sort of like I have. Yes they come in handy. If your'e thinking of getting one it's not a bad idea, you can always sub out to other sign folks who don't climb high l;adders or need banners hung up for them who can't get up there, or it's not worth renting a boom lift or scissor lift.
Posted by Mike Estep (Member # 318) on :
To me it depends on how much you want to do. If you don't want to buy a truck or lift there should be a place near that you can rent such a device and just add that into the install. If you don't have the time get another shop to do it for you. We are just a two man shop and have a 75'boom and a 50' lift truck with bucket. We do many installs for companies out of state and the money is good if thats what you like to do. We do it all from vinyl to installs and sub out our electric signs that we sale. I don't know if I helped any, but it all depends on how much you want and can do and if it is worth the money to invest in such.
Posted by utter (Member # 634) on :
I bought an old 40' sign crane/ladder 2 years ago. 84 GMC ton. She's rough, but I'm slowly working out the rust and dings. The crane works fine. I eventually (wispering in case OSHA heres) am planning on putting a metal frame basket on the end for a place to 'stand' besides the ladder. (I hate ladders). so far I have found it indespensible. and the cost? 2 grand.........what can I say..........I'm a cheapskate, but it works, and it sure makes hanging 4x10 panels on a billboard a lot easier for a one man shop!
Posted by bronzeo (Member # 1408) on :
Testing,,,,, To see if we can revive a post from the archives......I still could use the info if you have any though, Jack
Posted by Tony Lucero (Member # 1470) on :
About two years ago we purchased (lease with a $1 buyout) a 35' Van Ladder from Van Ladder Co. in Minnesota. It mounts on a wide variety of vehicles and doesn't take up cargo space. Ours is mounted on 1 Ton Ford Van...but can be mounted on half tons too. Smooth electric operation...stable...cost about $16,000...has made us money and best of all it is so much safer than ladders. The people from Van Ladders are first class and have done every thing they promised and more! www.vanladder.com Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
As a one man shop, I simply rent sissors lifts or other lifts when needed. Just add the cost to the installation. No monthly payments or periodic maintenance!
Werks fer me!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
I agree with Si. I have rented scissors and cherry pickers before, but it is rare I go up over eight feet. The electric steerable from up in the air scissors are the best. The cherry pickers are a pain.
"If it flies, floats or F**ks...lease, don't buy!" -Denny Moore, father of the Moore Guaranty..."24,000 miles or 24 hours, whichever comes first".