My custom has a design e-mail to me which the design use ai and I opened or imported in Coreldraw, all the design are distorted, I mean nothing is some as the printout, What can I do? Help. also I am looking for the font, call:"FELT-TIP" I believe in they get in Ai. Thanks
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Linda, it's hard to diagnose from your description.
Are the proportions incorrect, which squeezes the object, or are the proportions correct but the image appears otherwise incorrect?
The only problem I have had importing from Illustrator has to do with layering. If the drawing has overlapping layers and the conversion does not go correctly, then the drawing is put together wrong and is not correct visually. If this is happening, then the proportions will be correct.
If the drawing is ok except for proportions, you might be able to just correct them with the transform size tool. Vic G
Posted by linda yang (Member # 1548) on :
hi, thanks for answering me. the problem that I had is like that: My customer, her designer said that she e-mailed me a pair of kids one boy and one girl that she draw in ai mac base. and a couple of line said" pass it on..." but I received is a bunch overlapped strawbeery, ladybug, arrow....and so so unbelievable stuff. what is wrong about that? I have pc.and forward back her e-mail to her, and she e-mail to her husband in pc, she said all right, I just don't get. I don't know how to attach this file to that you can look at it. Let know if you have any ideal. thanks a lot
Posted by Philippe JACQUES (Member # 664) on :
Does this designer use a recent Illustrator version ? Latest AI versions allows to create life effects, use appearance as styles, uses symbols instead of paths and, for an other example, apply styles to layer and not to the paths.
If ever your guy has used one of those features, the result could be seriously different for the original while you import it without modifications.
Ask him to expand all its artwork before to save in an previous AI file version. Would solve your problems, but not allow you to edit the text or the effects anymore.
Just let me remind you NCS MagiSign allows to plot directly from Adobe Illustrator, meaning you don't have to suffer anymore of those silly export/import process.
The current version of NCS MagiSign is compatible with AI 8.0, AI 9.0 and AI 10.0 on Mac OS 8.6 to 9.1 (soon on OS X).
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
If the strawberry or ladybug look like these, they are "brush" options in Illustrator. I couldn't find "kids" in my version but maybe they did not "draw" kids, but just found some kind of similar brush option that defaulted back to strawberries & ladybugs during export.
I would ask them to view the actual vector that your plotter would cut. Instead of viewing "preview" ask them to view "outlines" in illustrator. If they don't see the image in "outlines" then the information you would need to cut vinyl is not there anyway.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Linda, I know what you are talking about now. Sometimes files arrive in an Illustrator format, and when the file is opened in Corel, the screen displays a jumbled symbol that includes an arrow that runs from left to right across the bottom with the arrowhead pointing right. The jumbled symbol is always the same regardless of the content of the file.
I do not know the technical explanation,but it happens when Corel has failed to import the image correctly.
The way I solved the problem was to just open the file in Illustrator and save it over again. Then it imports ok.
Like I said, don't ask me what is happening, I have no idea. It's just one of those file conversion tricks you pick up over time. Vic G
Posted by Ed Harris (Member # 586) on :
I never tried that save several times thing, but I will in future. I had to open it in Illustrator, then copy/paste it to Corel, piece by piece usually.