I have 2 sets of signs to do for a Mall. I have a variety of translations for these but all too long to go on 12in by 18in signs and still be readable..can anyone bive me abbreviated interpertation for...HANDICAPPED PARKING ONLY and FIRELANE NO PARKING. I have even checked my Web translator sites..they still give too many words. Thanks for your help!
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
If these people are driving cars in America..........then they damn well better know how to read "ENGLISH".......and that is "EXACTLY" what I would tell "Whoever" you're doing these signs for..............
This is not an "OPINION" or an "OPTION", this is a "REQUIREMENT!!!"
Posted by Coover Signs (Member # 77) on :
Mr Allen I agree with you..and I personally feel the client is vainly trying to do with signs what should be inherent in any culture...common decency and manners.
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
I understand what you're saying, and not putting anything on you..........but in "My Opinion", common decency and manners is to ........Learn the language of the land!!
If I was to move to another country.......That's what I would not only be expected to do, That's what I'd want to do.