Have a feiend with a great artistic freehand. I want to have her do windows and cars on the lots. Is Rich Art a good source for the paint?
How do you keep a genuine artist from spending too much time on a job?
Adversity builds characture
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Jack, I think a genuine artist knows how much time to spend, but just doesn't want to stop!
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
to answer your question on the paint.. i use 1 SHOT....you put rich art on the windshield and it will get rubbed off with the wipers..
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
i have been doing car lots for close to 15 yrs and 1 shot is the paint of choice i debate my self on wether poster or regular is the best.any other paint with slide off with the dew or windshield wiper(what a mess been there cleaning up the cars with a pressure washer)yuuch!also there are tricks to getting the paint off when you change the message.
i never layout the lettering but use free hand and never spend more than a minute per car.i use a 1" flat and a 1/2" flat and carry both with the paint and pallet in one hand. the less you have to go back to the truck the better, the key for me is speed because i get payed by the car. and please don't think that because it is quick lettering that you should sell your work cheep. you will learn that the car dealers will try to talk you down on your price.(remember it is there job..lol)+ stand strong you have a marketable product and can make good money at this. i average about $100 per hour with little over head.(you can do several hundred per quart of paint). i have much to share with you including pictures if you are interested you may call me or e- mail.
P.S. i have started using Day-Glow brand paint ,it is oil based and is very eye catching. the secret is to add a pinch of 1-shot white to it to make it opacque!i can also help you find materials!
[ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: Chris Lovelady ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
chris i did 17 cars the other day(with OS 2 colors)@ $6.00 each. and when i finished and went to give the manager the bill, he said "you done already?" well i felt kinda bad for making $100 an hour...but then some hours i make nothing.....when i lived in sarasota..best i could get was $4 a window.
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
i know the feeling paint,
location..location ...location
i get $3 for 1 color $4 in Tallahassee. I can do 50 in an hour some times more. but the manager is never ready have to wait on him to get his sorry @#%$! out to mark the cars. then they want you to scrape this car and change it. oh and there are 3 more in the wash rack...one coming back from the shop.....oops did i cuss out loud!
this seems to be the senerio..then there is the computition that is in art school painting with a foam brushes without thining the paint for less, and does not know letter construction or layout!
but if you can train them (managers) in the begining it is good money. and don't be afraid to walk away at the drop of a hat...if your good ,fast, dependable then they will come back with there tails between there legs. and always remeber they never stay in one place to long so if you get in good with a manager it spreads around.
oh..thanks judy for the referall in Thomasville Ga. Judy Pate is another good car splash letterer in letterville who hails from Albany Ga. and a good source for advice.
[ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: Chris Lovelady ]
[ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: Chris Lovelady ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
hhahahaha chris...i had an rv place here, told them i would do 2 color for $6 each and as i tell anyone who wants windows painted i dont do less then 10...well 1st time the rv gets me out there(now i like doin rvs, big window and work from 4 ft ladder)had 10 to do, but the guy didnt have list made up, i had to follow him around the lot as he was makin his adds up on my time. this took more time then the painting did! so i got the job done, told me they had 30-40 trailers that they were gona do a sale on and would need for them. couple weeks later i get a call to come down...i get there, no list, they dont know what they want then the kicker was THEY WANTED 3 RV DONE ONLY!!!! told him to make up list and call me....and i left.
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I use a 50/50 mix of One Shot lettering & poster Enamels. Both for the "Drag" on the smooth window and the coverage! TRUE artist are usally perfectionest,and never satisfied. SMART artist are usally sign painters Get the job done Get the money Get out of town
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
ive been know to paint 200-300 cars in one day!ive got a min. of 25 car to get my brushes wet! and if they have 20 then they get a bill for the min. ...25cars.i require appointment or put them on a regular route. i use to travel a 100 mile radius from Perry Florida to Moltrie Ga. in the begining...but that was before kids and now i keep it to 1 day a week and mostly to my home town!this is a small part of my busines but it is still gravey even with all the hassles!
a sunny day..a fist full of paint and brushes,head phone on my favorite station and 50 cars lined up in a row all marked and cleaned...life doesn't get any better than that!$$$$$$$
Posted by Mike Kelly (Member # 2037) on :
If any of you folks who letter windshields could post some pics of your work, I would love to see them. Sounds like the kind of stuff I'd like to start doing. Thanks.
[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: Mike Kelly ]
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
well...never thoght to take pics of "quicky letterin" .....not really that much to look at....sorta $1995 CLEAN COLD AIR, then underline some, put a * here, there....in white or yellow, come back and hit with red or orange dry brush on the yellow or drop shadow in red.....no more the 3-5 mins...in each one.....
Posted by Chris Lovelady (Member # 2540) on :
if you send me your e-mail adress i will forward you some pics. can't post a pick yet but will be doing a step by step in the future when i get my web site.