Hi Heads! I am putting the final touches on the flyer for the 2002 International Letterheads Meet, "Letterheads on Mars". I would like to list the planned projects, seminars, & fun stuff on them. This will be your last chance to let me know if you're interested in teaching or talking to the group about anything & get your name in the flyer. If you wait till afterwards, your name & chosen subject will be printed on the schedules which will be handed out during registration. That's a good thing too! Doc Welty will be inserting 400 of them into AMAL, & I'm sending out an additional 3,100. I'll also try to get one on this BB, somehow, but Steve-n-Barb will hafta help me with that, cuz I'm computer-challenged. This is what I have so far: SEMINARS *Pinstriping & mini-graphics-Bob Bond *Hand-Lettering-Mike Meyer *Carving-Joe C. *Airbrushing-Rick Kubicki *SignGold-Artie Schilling PROJECT LEADERS Hardware Store Mural-Bill Beckner Foodland Mural-Bill Berberich Interior Train Station Windows-Artie Schilling Exterior Train Station Windows-Cam Bortz & John Jordan Dimensional "MARS" Sign- Rick Dolphens
T-Shirt design is by Bill Krupinski. Meet Logo is by Mike Meyer.
So, PLEASE let me know if you want to host a seminar or head a project. There are still a few available! Please email me or call me @ 724-586-6923 before next Thursday if ya wanna "jine up". Thanx-Love- JILL
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Looks like things are really starting to come together Jill. Letterville is more than eager to do whatever it takes to ensure our time on Mars is a resonding success.
When plans firm up, we'll create an online information and registration form everyone can download and/or printout. We're also toying with the idea of bringing back The Letterville News. This would be a newsletter e-mailed to the almost 7,000 sign shops that have registered in the Letterville Database.
Here's another idea. If you are reading this post, and you know of someone who might be interested in helping out with this meet, scroll up to the top of this thread and click on the UBBFriend: Email this page to someone! link. Type in that person's e-mail and perhaps add a personal invite to them to visit this thread. Hit send and a link to this post is automatically sent. Very handy.
If you have any ideas on additional ways Letterville can help spread the word, please let us know.
Posted by Alan (Member # 2384) on :
Hi All,
Jill I left a message for you at your number. Call me when you get a chance I have to put in Vaction time for this year and want to make sure I have some time in place to help out on whatever needs done.
Little Al
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
(I'm not gonna post a reply to you Jill, since I already spent way to long on phone with you. )
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
you can put me down as tour guide for washington county....heheheheheheheeh washinton county fair should be takin place about that time...
[ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by faye welsh (Member # 2524) on :
i, the village idiot have arrived...the plans for mars 2002 are orbitting. jill is rocketting into the outer limits..it is so nice that so many respect her and are replying.i feel as if i will be able to pick each person out by jill's esounding awe and praise for your work. it will be nice to see true artists at work. i admire the trade. jill's big sis,faye.
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Faye, None of us can exist in a vacume, we all need each others support, Jill is sitting on top of a very big wave...at this point we know it is coming...soon the properties of the wave will gather together....then the wave will begin to form...and it will begin to rise as we all make our final preperations...and then ...this wave of letterhead energy will crest into another amazing collection of incredible people who gather together to not only preserve our craft....but to advance it, and ourselves. It is a celebration of our craft and all are welcome. Jill gets to ride the crest, right under her is the experience of many professionals who have already put the plan in place and will share her joy. Now we need everyone to get together to PUUUUUSSSSHHH!!!! Then we got a "HAPPENIN" Joe, Makin Chips and Havin Fun! Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
UPDATE!UPDATE! Well, Heads, there's more news! Great news in fact! More Seminars... *PRICING-Mark Roberts *LIVIN' LARGE FLEET GRAPHICS APPLICATION-Al Checca *INSPIRATIONAL STUFF-Dennis Gerathy And.... 2 more murals Library Mural- Bill Masters Interior Train Station Mural- CJ Williams And weird koincidental Karma... There are 3 murals, each one designed & led by a Pennsylvanian named BILL! Makes ya think, huh? Doggie-paddlin'the wave, I remain, JILL ps love to all
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I will volunteer to run the liar/BS table for you. As I am sure everyone will be stopping by at lest ONCE in the 3 days of being in Mars(or on Mars)
Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Pat, Set your table up next to the carving area...that is where your services will be most needed! (hehehehehehe) Joe, Makin Chips and Havin Fun! Posted by Alan (Member # 2384) on :
Boy sounds kinda cool when ya put it that way.........
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
"Communications 101" is still a burnin in my mind! Charlie Brown inspired! a booth that may be well appreciated! working on ideas for two months now.
Posted by Wm. J. Krupinski (Member # 1746) on :
Speaking of Bill Art From Pennsylvania--I ALMOST moved to Pennsylvania once and I did the T-shirt art for the meet!!!!!!!This is gettin' scary!!
I'm so glad to see people coming out of the woodwork (or where ever) to help our pal Jill--keep up the good work!!
Bill "almost a Key-stater" Krupinski
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Hi Bill, glad to see YOU coming out of the woodwork too! Since I have been busy getting signals from Mars and thereabouts, I have been trying to decipher them. Symbols, music, visions, color and thoughts...there seems to be quite a commotion coming from that direction...ha! In all reality, I have been extremely interested in the simulation space station in northern Canada for quite sometime. The climate up there is the most similar to that in Mars and that is why this site was chosen. At my son's science fair we had a spokesperson with a demo table who came especially upon request from a younger boy at another school. It was really great that he took the time to explain anything and try to interest young people in the research going on with the planet. Amazing stuff, kind of makes you forget about the "small immediate" hassles of life, doesn't it? If I can swing it, we may get some communication from some Martian signfolks at my booth, hopefully it will be interractive! (working on it!) ***The booth I am trying to recreate is similar to the space station on Devon Island in Canada, and certainly am going to need some help constructing it, only a "mini-me" mars version! Hope someone is interested!
[ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: Deb Fowler ]
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
(double posted, oops)
[ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: Deb Fowler ]
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Yet another update.... WINDOW SPLASH-John Hodgins, Batavia, NY and, unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict, Mark Roberts will no longer be able to come. Also-N Glantz has offered to ship the easels from Waukesha to Pittsburgh & even store them! Woo Hoo! Also, booked a Blugrass band...we be jammin! Tomorrow night is my first organizational meeting, at Susie Q's Place in Mars...Gotta get to work, delegatin' & organizing & acting like I know what the heck I'm talking about...wish me luck! Love to all- JILL
Posted by Harris Kohen (Member # 2139) on :
Hey there heads....
Being that I am from the place where the only RECORDED martian landing took place. I will see what kind of interesting stuff(crap) I can get from Grovers Mill, NJ. Yes some of the people took it seriously here. There is even a memorial site/park and historical society to celebrate the event here.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Just Me agin... The meeting went great. There will be so many cool things to do & see. It's a lot of work & planning, but I'm not sorry yet...I just want it to be the best for everybody! Love- JILL
Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
Hey Jill, can I get a picture of the train station and measurements for the windows? Thanks!
Posted by Fernando Ocampo (Member # 2133) on :
some one should teach a short class on computer letter distortion and basic sign design, even old timers can learn new tricks.......no pun intended to all the dinosaurs still roaming the industry
Posted by faye welsh (Member # 2524) on :
it sounds like some excitement is getting ignited. jill is working so hard. hope wisconsin makes a big show..hint..hint wiz..we will find you lodging even if it is the log cabin at the museum. maybe the longhouse will be built buy then??