went out today to deliver a proposal on some sign work. most of it is paint on old brick, black and white, large letters. 2 signs 6'x60' at the top of the building,(its 20-25')and 2 5'x25' same signs only smaller. also have to totally rebuild a 3'x10' 2 signs attached to steel pipes in the ground for the parking lot. now these 2 signs will be new .040 aluminum, build a frame of 1x4 P.T. lumber, take down old signs and install new ones. ok..and my price was $300 each sign so $600 total...this is where this conversation went...guy looks over proposal....sees the parking lot sign for $600, "iam not gona pay no $600 for a vinyl lettered sign for the parking lot, my buddy at FAST SIGNS(named so and so) can do those for $100, all i need is professional painters to repaint the signs on the building," told him i do vinyl also, but then him and the fast signs are old buddies....was what i was told.... i know the proposal will go to the FAST SIGN guy, to be checked out, then he will find someone who paints and get a lower bid....then tell me he can have it done for XXXXX $$$ less then mine....as for me going any futher with this..iam done....i can see where this job is going...and i dont like the smell.
Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :
quote:....i can see where this job is going...and i dont like the smell.
'Nuff said. Losers are everywhere. Just don't let it get under your skin, it's not worth the trouble.
Keep the faith!
Posted by Roy Frisby (Member # 736) on :
Joe, just go on down to Shoney's and check out the salad bar...You'll feel better!!
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Send him a bill for the site visit and the time to create the proposal.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
roy ..thinK i can find it????HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Posted by Del Badry (Member # 114) on :
My thoughts exactly Roy.... and i agree with you also Joe...... where is this dam place anyhow!