anyone know where i can get those pinup stickers like those our men used to put on the side of their bombers? be grateful if you could give some links. i've tried all the big sticker stores
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
The nose art you are refering to were hand painted. they mostly emulated the work of Kelly and Vargas.
thanks bruce.. :lol: yes i realise they were hand painted. i just wondered if anyone had translated them into plastic stickers hehe Posted by Jerry Steward (Member # 2420) on :
We specialize in creating decals of all types of aircraft markings, including nose-art. We can make masks for spraying as well. Many restoration projects over the past decade, but everything is custom. If you know what your looking for, we've probably got atleast a photographic reference for it. No catalog or website, just me.
Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :
Be aware also that some of that stuff is copyrighted. The "Flying Tigers" ass. for example owns the copyright on the image of the tiger that was on the fuselage of thier aircraft.
Thats the only one that I know about though.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Although it's not a "sticker" source...I did see a very nice book in Barnes & Nobles about a year ago that displayed Aircraft artwork....hardcover book with lots of nice pictures...might be a good reference source or idea book for coming up with your own original version.
Posted by grahame (Member # 1546) on :
thanks for your thoughts and info mates. and todd thanks for that book reference.
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
SlapOn Decalsare a common item here in surf shops. The girls are more contemporary, but have a sort of pin-up look to them.