What to do? How about re-writing the words to a song! Oh, ok... so I did... here it is...
Too Much Snow!
Oh the weather outside is frightful
Its supposed to fall thru nightfall
Welcome to Buffalo
Too much snow! Too much snow! Too much snow!
It doesn’t show signs of stopping
The overall totals are whopping
There’s way too much to blow
Too much snow! Too much snow! Too much snow!
When we finally open the door
How I’ll hate going out in the storm
WHAT? We’re supposed to get MORE?!?
Forget it! Stay inside where it’s warm!
The visibility is slowly dying
Shoveling? We sure are trying!
Welcome to Buffalo
Too much snow! Too much snow! Too much snow!
Here in Northern Michigan the west side of the state got pounded 3 feet the the cold stuff
now here on the east side of the state we only
got 4 inches
Oh the weather outside's delightful
And the sun shines so brightful
Surfing's the place to go
To heck with snow, heck with snow, heck with snow
Since hurricane season's over
All the tourists have come for cover
They spend all their money you know
To heck with snow, heck with snow, heck with snow
Today I think I'll go sailing
To keep my senses reeling
And all of this goes to show
To heck with snow, heck with snow, heck with snow
Sorry - couldn't think up a fourth verse
Hope everyone has a great New Year!
Temperatures don't get that cold. Here, when they say 20 degrees... thats it. In MN when they say 20 degrees, you have to specify above or below 0!
But this lake effect snow is amazing. You can be in bright sunshine, drive down the road a mile and be in a blinding blizzard... then go down the road another mile and sunshine again!
Here in Niagara Falls, we've gotten probably 16-18". Last I heard, the Buffalo Airport has gotten slammed with over 60". Fun, huh?
[ December 28, 2001: Message edited by: Dana Bowers ]
Man, it's time to break out the skis, snowboards, snowmobiles and GO PLAY!!
Part of the problem with St Louis winters is that we get some good snowfalls but it's never enough to just completely shut down the area. It'll snow like 8" overnight which is enough to create a big mess but not enough to make it impossible to actually work - so snow is no good unless you can get the day off to play in it.
Fine, send some our way, I hate the cold without the snow.
Every day, Kyle my son asks were the snow is, now I can tell him it went to Niagra Falls.