Be sure to mark Thursday, Dec. 27 at 10pm EST. on your busy schedules! We're having another Letterville Resident's Draw and you are all invited.
You can watch the draw live on HeadTV and/or chat with everyone on Letterville Chat. These draws are always lots of fun, so make an effort to join in and meet your fellow Heads.
Here's what's up for grabs this time!
1.) Digital Auto Libary has donated a copy of his latest and greatest Pro Vehicle Outlines PVO 2002 Master Edition. This 3 CD collection contains templates for virtually every vehicle produced from 1993 thru 2002. That's over 4500 Professional Vehicle Graphic Templates accurately measured and scaled. If you don't already own this teriffic tool, you could win it here on Dec. 27!
Check out Christian's website to learn more about this great product.
2.) Cambridge Canvas has donated another 3 ft by 24 yard roll of their popular Banana/Bandanna banner to the winner of this month's draw. What a great prize! Imagine all the banners you can make with 24 yards!
Special thanks to Mike Holtzy and the gang at Cambridge Canvas. Take a few minutes to check out their website at Don't miss their video! It's a riot.
3.) Arvil Shepherd has been kind enough to donate another of his fabulous Limited Edition Prints to the winner of this draw. Choose either the Porsche 356, the 57 Chevy or Yesterday print. You can see these prints and learn more about Arvil at Thanks Arvil!
4.) Jack Wills and Victor Georgiou of AnchorBlanks has given us a Temblor Pack. Your choose of 5 fonts from Volcano Fonts. Display fonts are designed for sign making with graphics design software.
Learn more about AnchorBlanks at
How Do I Get In On These Draws?
Thought you'd never ask! Although Letterville is a free website, there are considerable costs involved presenting and maintaining it. Advertising pays some of the bills, but the true sponsors of Letterville are the Residents who pay a $50 US annual tax.
To continue to grow and improve our online meet, we need to attract more Residents. These monthly draws are just one incentive designed to encourage more of you to support Letterville financially.
If you have been visiting Letterville for sometime, and see some value in what happens here, we ask you to consider becoming a Resident. To learn more about the benefits of moving to Letterville, please look at
Good luck to all in the draw and thank you for your support!
You sure know how to light a fire under my butt!
[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: Brian Cornwell ]