I got a call from Nick Pasrura the outher day . He wanted to Know why I was telling outhers that I was doing a helmet for Dale Earnhardt Jr. I was a little suprised that someone in Ohio knew what my tinny shop in SC was doing. He was a little ****ed becouse he has been painting for DEI for the last couple of years. We Talked and I informed him that I did a helmet for one of the guys on the crew and he pulled some strings to get Dale to send me a helmet to paint for him. I was trying to get my foot in the door . I didnt do any thing dishonest but some one from this board told Nick without asking me any questions. I think it was someone from here. I was trying to keep it Quit around my home town becouse I didnt know who was painting his lids and I didnt want to step on any toes . The only peaple I told were on this board.I just wanted to show someone what I could do. I would like to know who told him becouse this is bugging me. Me and Nick are fine he is just happy that Im not one of the peaple painting fakes and selling them on Ebay. Im confident that I did a great job but I think the opportunity to do anything for DEI is over. Im not mad but I am an honest person an someone out ther thinks Im not.
Posted by kevinlandry (Member # 1352) on :
It doesn't matter. Business is business. If you can do the job and they hire you, tough for the competitor. We are all signmakers and painters on this board but business is business. I see nothing underhanded in what you did.
Kevin Landry KnL Signs and Imaging
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
No one here did anything. On October 4th at 5:37 PM you posted...
"It may not be huge but it makes me come close to throwing up every time I work on it. I am painting a helmat(sic) for Dale Earnhardt Jr. I did a helmet for one of his crew and he helped me get my foot in the door. This could make me or break me! Cant wait to be done with it so my stomace(sic) can untie itself."
You can take credit for the spelling errors. Before you accuse anyone of doing something, maybe you better search your memory banks, eh?
Looks like you spilled the beans on yourself.
Have a great one!
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Bruce I know I told you guys. There were two post that one and one on the portfolio side. Nick told me someone TOLD him that someone was claiming to be painting helmets for him. I just wanted to know if someone on this board thougt that I was posting things that were lies.
And on the spelling , I cant type or spell very well when I am wrighting thanks for informing me on that . It realy makes me feel comfortable posting future post!
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
Earnhardt is the one who's lying. He's never raced a day in his life. It's all done with mirrors and videotape, kinda like the moonwalk. He doesn't need a helmet.
Posted by Gregory (Member # 900) on :
I didn't see your original post. I was talking to Steve and Barb at Duck Soup, they said there are alot of lurkers here that never post. Someone else in your area may lurk here. Just a thought.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Ryan, Paint on !!!!
Sorry Earnhardt fans.......My vote goes to PIERRE........ And you know what ?? I can't spell either...but as long as my "Rent" is paid..I will post...he he he....
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Hi Ryan, it sounds like you're pretty convinced someone 'tattled', maliciously, to start trouble for you. I guess I don't understand the politics involved of why that cat getting out of the bag was a bad thing, but if the information was that sensitive, you probably should have kept it to yourself . . . Not because people here are mean or untrustworthy, only because people are human. We talk. And when you talk on the internet, wow, it's guaranteed to get around.
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I've shot myself in the foot before by being too outspoken in public forums. It's not fun, but you learn. Good luck in future posts, just don't be too critical of your pals here in Letterville. I am 100% certain that none of the regular contributors set out to purposely cause grief.
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Joe I agree. I dont think someone did it to be mean. I realy care what you guys think of me. If it came from someone from the board then I just want that person to know that it was the truth. I am not mad at anyone on this board.No one did any thing wrong I just wanted to know so I could explain my self. The outher thing is that I dont beleave that Nick finding out is why I wont be painting any more for them. He has a uniuqe [sp]deal with them and they are happy with his work. I respect you all. I come to this board becouse I want to be a craftsman like you guys.Your oppinion and your respect for me is very important. later
Posted by Brian Cornwell (Member # 2509) on :
I talk with everyone I know when it comes to the exciting projects and people I meet here. It's the nature of the beast.
I know for a fact that had I been reading your post back in October I would've shared this info with folks I know too.
However, you can bet you bottom buck that chances are pretty good that if story spread it was in a positive light and I don't think any ill effects were ever intended by anybody had they been the one to retell your story.
I wasn't aware of this site in October so it wasn't me. But if I had been here I know I would've spread the tale. Even this kind of info is news to the guys I talk with. Even with this story. I'll probably end up saying something to the guys . . .
"Hey, you know what happened to this guy who was doing Earnhardt's helmet?"
And there you have it . . . hope all works its way out in the end for you. Take a Rolaid. That's what I would do.
Posted by pierre (Member # 1462) on :
I can tell you all that if Earnhardt's wife were to read this she's say....."Paint his helmet? Big Deal! You ought to see him in the morning, or try to walk into the bathroom after he's been in there half an hour. Now...Tom CRUISE! I'd love to paint HIS helmet."
All wives are singularly unimpressed with their famous husbands.......even mine. heh
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: pierre ]
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Ryan, this is all part of doing business in the race car field. A lot of things come into play, egos, money, scruples, glory, the more you get around it the more you shake your head. I've had people cuss me out and I've wanted to cuss out a bunch myself, I just don't like stooping to somebody elses level. The higher up you go in the star quality of the racer, the more folks are trying to knock you out of work and the lengths they will go to are unbelievable. I can understand Nick's concern. Then there are those that just love to stir **** up. I read a lot of crap from some painters, though mainly the "decal" guys on the racing BB's. You are probably the victim of one of them
uhhh...Pierre, Dale Jr. isn't married.
Posted by Steve Robinson (Member # 2215) on :
alright...I confess it wasn't me
Posted by Tony McDonald (Member # 1158) on :
The counter at the bottom of the page says Two Million Six Hundred Forty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Four people have visited here since May of 2000. Maybe it was one of these people....maybe not. It could have been your cousins friends neighbors uncles priest who told him.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
I once painted a helmet for "Fireball Roberts"
okay, so i am a liar! hahahahahahha
don't sweat it ryan.
I have to go back to work now, i am lettering a helmet for Mario Andretti(oops, i lied again)
(official helmet painter for the NFL)
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I just found out that there is no real Pierre! Just a cardboard cutout that Rosemary uses to cover up the fact that she has some trained beavers that gnaw out all the carving that she produces!
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Thanks for all of the replys everone. I didnt find the trale to Nick but thats fine. Ill keep on slinging the paint and take it in stride. I will take the time to figure out how to post pictures soon so you guys can realy lay into me. I do want to know what you think of my work . Later
Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
Did George suggest a "decal guy" was the guilty party? Brilliant comments like that get people in hot water.
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Bruce if you go back and read my post again, I was pointing out there are those that like to stir **** up, talk trash, badmouth if you will. A few of the airbrush/helmet guys do it on the racing BB's, but some of the "decal guys" and their followers are really bad about it. Every place isn't a civil as this one Call it a brilliant comment if you like, I'll call it telling it like it is! I was just trying to help Ryan understand a segment of the industry I'm all too familiar with. If you were offended in any way I'm sorry, the "decal guy" label is how they refer to themselves on the racing sites. As far as the hot water, my skin is quite thick
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: George Perkins ]
Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
THERE HE GOES AGAIN..........!! Can't take that damned ol Perkins anywhere, Always startin trouble.....!! Keep tryin ta tell him, but does he lissen to me??...........Hell NO !! Oh well........ Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
George the message came through load and clear on this end. We have decal guys in this area too. I dont consider them sign guys. They are usualy guys with great jobs that work on race crews that decide that we charge to much and they buy a plotter . They do side jobs all the time for peanuts. I love to ask these guys why they dont do it full time if theye love it so much. There answer is allways that they couldnt make a living at it. They make a good salery where they work but they hate it. My reply is charge what the job is worth dumb*** thats when they look at me and relize I set them up. The bad thing is im freinds with alot of them. Before any one says anything I didnt tell any of them about the helmet.
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Hey Mark & Ryan, George ,CJ etc.... I once painted helments for the Roman Chariot Drivers.......he he he ( You see I have been here since Dirt) Seriously I used to "HAND" letter race cars for Junior Johnson when he was racing under the HOLLY FARMS banner, back in the 60,s.....and.....One time these "TROJANS" built a Horse out of metal.......and I "GRAINED" it to look like a "WOODEN HORSE" ( fooled the hell out of them Greeks ) or was it the Romans ????? I forget it was a long time ago !!!!! The moral of this story is... "LIGHTEN UP, you know it is the season to be jolly"
Merry Christmas everyone !!!!!!! Shep'
Posted by Ryan E Young (Member # 2325) on :
Shep thats very cool. Do you have any good pictures of Juniors cars that you did. That would make a great print. Dont be supprised if I drop in one day. I want to check your place out. I looked at your site and was very impressed. Later
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: Ryan E Young ]
Posted by Ken Morse (Member # 1799) on :
When you sling mud, you lose ground. Keep your faith and try to enjoy the ride, as it is never the end when we think it is.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Hey folks, lets all get back to work and finish these helmets for whats his name!
I just finished one for Dubya who uses it to push his food filled Killerkart through the bunkers so the VP could eat.
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: Joey Madden ]