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Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I just got home from work this afternoon to find a Wal-Mart sale paper in my mailbox and while I was going through it I found a nice picture of a rolling work cart very simular to my killerkart. I called Jerry Mathel and asked him to meet me there which he did. After hunting the cart down we found them in boxes but none together, so I asked the salesperson to put one together and they did. What a nice piece of work for $69.95 made in China but what the heck and of course it does not break-down for better mobility but the top tray is triple the size of mine, and did I tell ya it has a tool box attached to its center tray. Ya just gotta check this out at Wal-Mart because its only a one time offer as the sale says it is.

Anyway, you may be asking yourself why I posted this and if I might have something to do with it. Well the answer is NO, but I do applaud good ol' american capitalism. I love seeing persons happy and all the more when they take a chance on making the big bucks no matter what the circumstances are.
Anyway while I was at Wal-Mart, they had an small Oak toolbox for $28. whick looked like it belonged to an ol'craftsman so I bought it, what a great paint kit and tomorrow I'm going back to get another one and you should do the same! And check out those rolling work stations too, its the score of the holiday season.

Posted by Felix Marcano (Member # 1833) on :
I'm gonna do some SERIOUS damage when I get to the States next week. There's a ton of goodies I can't get down here. I'd love to take a gander at the toolbox you're talkin' about.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
I saw the karts the other day, but decided my authentic killerkart is way cooler.
Hafta look for those boxes though.
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Hey Joey...

I bought one of those tool boxes two weeks ago. It was on sale for $14.00! What a steal! The hardware alone is probably worth 7-8 bucks... What the heck?!?!?

Sheesh... now everyone is going to have one. just like chevies... LOL!

Have a great one!

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
there ain't nothin' that you can buy at walmart or tha big K that can compare with the original "killer kart" , i have seen one of the original Big "K" Karts by joey, in action.

joey, don't let walfart and tha big K slap you around!


Posted by Brian Cornwell (Member # 2509) on :
What is this "Killer Kart" you guys (and gal) are talking about. I've heard it once before but it flew over my head.

Is there a place that sells them or is it something someone whipped together? Where can I have a peek?

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
click here brian,

Posted by Carl Wood (Member # 1223) on :
Go Wal-Mart! Go Wal-Mart! Any other Associates here besides 'us? Carl & Sandy -Olive Branch,MS
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
Wal-Mart is the only stock I haven't lost my ass on. Felix, if you're near Atlanta on your visit to the states, stop by - we have a brand new Super Wal-Mart just down the road.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Somehow Joey, I didn't hear you say the word "patent"
I hope you did Bro, cause if you need a ride to the bank just let me know, your CA, yup Fresno, California boy in the central valley...Cisco
Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
I saw the Oak tool boxes,looked very good,,,BUT I MISSED THE KARTS....
(Thought about buying one of the boxes and Woodgraining it to look like Walnut) he he he
Posted by jmathel (Member # 526) on :
When Joey showed me the $69.95 Wally World cart, it blew me away. Whoever designed that thing had to have looked at one of Joey's carts. However, It still won't fold up and fit in the back of my Jeep.

At any rate Joey and I had a good time helping the "associates" at Wally World put the thing together, (some assembly required) then went and appropriately ate Chinese food.

Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
I just picked up the wally world kart for a fellow Sign painter. Sorry Joey but I couldn't resist at that price. If I didn't already have one of the German telescoping roll around boxes, I would have bought two.
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
No need to apologize to me Rob, remember it was my post!
I posted this because I love and support american capitalism and BTW, I knew as cheap SOBs that most signmakers are, this tool would fit right in to their pocketbooks. No need to thank me for anything as I'm just doing what comes naturally for persons of my calibre.

Happy Holidays

Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I would rather own a Killer Kart,
than to hear a fat girl fart!
Posted by Steve Robinson (Member # 2215) on :
They are 39.84 here in Texas....I think some one may have made a mistake,and smoked something on their break.
Posted by Nukedlines (Member # 2263) on :
The ones that are $39 don't have the cabinet with em, but are the same idea. I thought I had found them at a steal to until I saw the ones with the cabinet while standing in the checkout line. Good find Joey!
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
Joey comes from New York.....
Everyone knows that..Right?
Posted by Ron Percell (Member # 399) on :
I bought Joey's best cart and Love it.

Have to fight the employees over it all the time.

Thanks Joey!

Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Thank you for the replies to my Killerkart and although the Wal-Mart version is much cheaper in dollars, it isn't quite the same. It is much more bulkier and does not break-down for mobility but does however have a much bigger top tray. All in all not only is my Killerkart made right here in the states and any who own it can attest to its strength and function, you can drill holes in it to add whatever kind of holder for whatever tool and you actually take it with you wherever you go in its storage form which takes less then 30 seconds.

The only downfall at this time with my Killerkart is that I only have about 8 left but I also have been tooling with the idea of adding an accessory trailer type step-up which will allow the user to to work with its tool tray approximently 18 inches off the ground. There are well over 100 Killerkarts in use today which may not seem to be many but for those who own them I can honestly say that I have never ever had a complaint.

If there is anyone adventurous enough to take a chance with the tools I produce, I would certainly consider a partnership and even though I have connections in Taiwan, I prefer to support the country I live in.

God Bless America!

Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Here in Alabama.Wal-Mart DOES have those karts in the automobile section.
The wooden box,however are at thier"Sam's"location
Planning to pick one up(for being a good boy)to carry my wood chisels in.
Posted by Brian Cornwell (Member # 2509) on :
Joey, I think you aught to put larger wheels with Cragers and add an engine with a sidecar . . .
Posted by Ken Morse (Member # 1799) on :
Imitation is the greatest compliment.

You are quite the gentleman.

Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
I looked at that kart at walmart this weekend, I have to say if I never used a real killer kart I would have bought one, but I do have a real killer kart and that kart at wal-mart is just TOO bulky and big for working on trucks in my shop.

I love the size, portability and mobility of Joey's kart. Sorry Wal-mart.

Although I looked at the wood box and I was looking for a nice box for my gold stuff, it was too small but Pat had a great Idea for the chisels. Back to Walmart.

Posted by Jerry Steward (Member # 2420) on :
Yeah, & Wallymart's goin' to open up a sign making division next month - MAGNETICS for $9! I don't support "the lowest prices - no matter what" idea, I understand if you blowin' your nose or wiping your &*(#~ with it, but it just doesn't sit right with me.
Posted by Wm. J. Krupinski (Member # 1746) on :
Hey, all y'all work for Walmart, or what? Now, being good American consumers, I know y'all want your cheap plastic/metal/wood crap to be, well, cheap. However, it was not so long ago that Walmart was touting with patriotic pride that all their cheap plastic/wood/metal crap was MADE IN AMERICA!!! Of course now it's all made in China and nobody seems too concerned about this apparent change of allegiance, this pledge betrayal if you will. Looks to me like Americans' loyalty is only to their personal pocketbooks and not to the maintaining of livable-wage jobs right here in our towns and cities. Look where this "race to the bottom" has gotten the sign industry--$9 magnetics & other such sign piracy. By supporting Walmart you are supporting a system that intends to make YOU cheap off-shore labor, right here on Main Street, USA, Buddy!!

Think about this, I want a written report on my desk by morning.

Yer Pal, Bill

Posted by jon peterman (Member # 528) on :
sam shoulda taught his kids better all this cheap import stuff started showin up after sam died his kids have no pride in what their father built


Posted by CJ Allan (Member # 52) on :
My "Killer-Kart" works fer me......!!!

wouldn't trade for 2 of any other kind, besides,one of the really cool things about it is, the guy that makes em is a friend!!

To top it all off........"MY" Kart is the fastest one on this planet !!

Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
WM J, those shoes you are walking in, where are they made? I bet not the US. And if they are stiched in the US I bet the soles are made in Soul Korea! Being Patriotic is a very noble thing but not always that easy.
Posted by Julian Braet (Member # 238) on :
Hey, I got one of those "Killer Karts", and won't give it up for any plastic piece o' crap. It gets 6 pints of One shot per mile, and 4 pints per mile on "HOK". Hey Joey why don't ya auction off those 8 that you have left. "Merry Xmas to all."
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
I don't care what kind of deal Wal-Mart has on carts.....if it's made in China I urge everyone to NOT buy it. It's a free country, so do what you like...but consider this:

1. Don't forget what the Chinese did to our recon plane and crew a few months back.

2. After the 9-11 attacks, China made vhs tapes called "Attack America" which supported and applauded the attacks on our US Citizens...and the tape is a national best seller.

3. News reports are emerging detailing China's supplying the Taliban/ Al Queda fighters with weapons both before and after the attacks. Do a little checking on the news sites.

4. There was a significant number of Chinese radicals that crossed into Afghanistan and fought with the Taliban against our troops.

5. China routinely execute prisoners for offenses as minor as shoplifting. I'm all for capital punishment...but they don't even give these poor suckers a trial...and after they kill them, they harvest their organs and sell them internationally for big bucks...this is well documented by US intelligence.

6. China makes routine threats of war against the US in regards to our alliance with Taiwan...

Like I said, being American is having the freedom to choose what you want to buy regardless of what anyone else tells you. I don't necessarily go along with the "buy American" union slogans, because I think real Americans can and should buy what they want.

I'm just saying that it is prudent to consider that every dollar we supply China with is funding their military build-up, and China is undoubtedly becoming another Communist superpower that the US will be going head-to-head with in the future.

Personally, I'd pay 50% more for American made merchandise, or at least support Taiwan as they are giving democracy a running chance. Besides, Chinese merchandise is generally crap.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox....have a great holiday.


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Oh, and for you guys that don't think you can't buy a lot of stuff made in America....go to

Believe it or not...they even have blow dryers (hair) that are made by an American manufacturer. Now that surprised me, because if you go to Walmart you will see that EVERY hair dryer they sell is made in China.

American and Japanese quality rule...let those commie Chinese *@3tards keep their junk made by 7 year olds for 25 cents a day.



Posted by Wm. J. Krupinski (Member # 1746) on :

Thanks for giving us some solid statistics and facts about how China does business and how this might want to affect our buying habits here in the US of A. Seems to me that all us Americans ever want to do is consume, consume, consume and the consequences to the rest of the world be damned. As I said earlier, this is one of the reasons the sign biz is seeing this race to the bottom--we all want our plastic/metal/wood crap to be CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP (and I'm not doing a bird imitation here...)--and it doesn't matter if it's signs or killerkarts or hair dryers or Xmas lights or anything else, as long as it's cheap! Cheap is as cheap does, to paraphrase Mamma Gump.

So put that in your 3rd world, slave-labor pipe and smoke it, America!

Yer Pal Bill

Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
Todd, it is Ok to buy Japanese? That's not very American. If we drop the A-Bomb on China, then will it be ok to buy from them. What's with the double standard. I've been to and lived in Japan for a short time. Things are not so peachy keen there either. The Us supprts Russia. Look into their recent history and see who they have sold arms to. We support many in this world only to get stabbed in the back. It will never change. Bottom line is that my US wages haven't gone up. As a matter of fact they have gone down. Because of this I have to shop for bargins. The Kart I bought at walmart was a quality piece. If it wasn't Joey would have never posted it.

PS. I have bought plenty of crap made in this country that wasn't worth a ****hole in the snow. Just because we make it here doesn't mean it is the best. Our automobiles just get worse and worse. And I'm sure that computer you are using to post your message is not all made in the US. Check all the chips and components inside.

[ December 24, 2001: Message edited by: Rob Larkham ]

Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Just an observation.....

If all America wants is "cheap, cheap, cheap", why is Lexus, Mercedes, and Cadillac still in business?

If all Americans do is "consume, consume, consume, and consequenses to the rest of the world be damned", then why is America number one in generosity?

Where something is made is pretty much irrelevent. If I see something I want and if its within my budget, I will buy it. I don't see anyone griping about what French Masters cost or where they come from.

Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
Very WELL SAID Glenn!!!!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I would like to say a few words.

If I were to live in China, I would build my products in China. I have had the opportunity many times to make my things in other countries but because I live here in the states I feel that support here is most important to me. I don't support the government however as I feel they haven't supported me. There are so many persons who make great products including vehicles in this country that it would surprise one to know of there existance.
Does everyone have to buy a new vehicle or wouldn't a rebuilt vehicle do just as well.

Persons speak of Japanese cars as if they are made only in Japan, well the truth is that Toyota and many other Japanese based companies have their automobiles built right here is this country by American workers in American factories.

I believe that most people in this country act accordingly when it comes to spending money but on the other hand our government takes a larger cut as each day passes which leaves little left for the average person to spend while they use our money for loans to other countries while leaving our country and people in poor shape.
Just look at the Red Cross and honestly tell me you feel it is all worth it. How about the U.S. Postal service, they call that service? The prices skyrocket and the service dwindles!

Here it is Christmas time and already I am worrying how I am going to make ends meet. I put my whole heart and soul into my Killerkarts with the thoughts of better being a has-been then a never-was. The things I do and have done regarding the course I've taken in my life in the way of what business I have chosen, I will never regret. I have bought some chinese made products both knowingly and unknowingly but this is just the way it is to me and most persons who have a choice.

If you want to protest, start with your congressmem who waste your monies on lobbying to make their lives better while sticking it to you. Wouldn't you like to have their retirement plan to start?

Posted by Wm. J. Krupinski (Member # 1746) on :

You're right, where something is made IS becoming irrelevant. In this new world order of economic globalization we are either "consumers" or "commodities" (commodities as low-wage workers...).

The chasm between rich and poor is widening as we speak and something like 1% of the people own 80 or 90% of the worlds wealth, with most of the difference owned by another 5 or 7%, leaving the rest of the world holding--nothing. As Americans we use up about 40% of the worlds resources, and what are we, 5-10% of the worlds population?

America # 1 in generosity? Sure, us average saps are easily duped by photos of sad-eyed children (or puppies, or clowns or old cars...) and so send off our hard-earned money. The reason these children are sad-eyed? Cuz our tax dollars have supported some war or terror somewhere where we want oil or copper, or timber or whatever.

And how mnay letterheads out there can afford a new caddy or lexus or other over-priced gas guzzling, environment-destroying piece o' crap? The cost of French Masters? The fact that YOU don't see anyone griping about their cost tells us volumes about who you must hang out with!! GET REAL, MAN!!

In a world where we have the technology to feed and house every person on earth, why are MILLIONS dying in the streets? Well, Glenn, don't worry your pretty little head about it as you drive past them in your air conditioned SUV, after all, you've got yours, right old buddy?


Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Bill, with all due respect, you may want to live in a fantasy world, but the facts do not support your claims. And, trying to use class envy to support your stance only proves it.

You know how thorough I am in establishing facts. Do you really want to debate me on them?



I agree with most everything you said. My problem is that we look to Government to solve all of our woes and then complain when they take more money out of our pockets to pay for it.

[ December 24, 2001: Message edited by: Glenn Taylor ]

Posted by Wm. J. Krupinski (Member # 1746) on :

HooHoo!! Thanks man, I needed good laugh! "Class envy"--what a hoot!!

By the way, those weren't claims, but paraphrased actual statistics. I'm sure a diligent fellow such as yourself will want to look them up on the internet.

Yer Pal Bill

Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
So Bill, where is your evidence that I'm wrong? Give me some sources. Take your pick.

As for Class Envy, why did you say...

how mnay letterheads out there can afford a new caddy or lexus or other over-priced gas guzzling, environment-destroying piece o' crap


as you drive past them in your air conditioned SUV, after all, you've got yours

Who are you to decide who deserves what?

Why is it ok for Al Gore and Dick Gephardt to own and drive a SUV and not me?

Yes Bill, you are absolutely right.....America sucks. Its evil. In fact, it probably got what it deserved 9/11. After all, we are the most free nation on earth. And since no other country is as free as the US, the US must be doing something wrong. It must have stolen something away from another country to have this much freedom.

The US has the most first-time millionaires in the world each and every year. You know as well as I do that no one can become a millionaire unless they steal it from the poor. I just want to know where the poor got the money so the "rich" could steal it.

The US is so evil. Its so evil because it is one of the few countries whose forrests are actually growing in size, unlike Asia and Africa. The US must stop buying their lumber immediately! Who cares if Asians and Africans lose their jobs.

The US is pure evil because the cost of oil is so much cheaper than in other countries like Finland. The US must follow those other countries' example of raising taxes on gasoline and heating oil $3 to $5 per gallon. That'll teach them greedy, evil millionaires, won't it. But wait....if we do that, what will that do to the poor?

Bill, you can gripe about how bad America is, but I've yet heard you come up with one single solution in any of our previous discussions as how to fix these "problems" without infringing on the freedoms as guaranteed in the Constitution.

[ December 24, 2001: Message edited by: Glenn Taylor ]

Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Sorry Glenn, but I have never looked towards the governmaent for help in anyway. You may have me confused with someone else
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Sorry Joey,

I didn't make myself clear. I didn't mean to imply that is what you were doing or saying. Please accept my apologies.


[ December 24, 2001: Message edited by: Glenn Taylor ]

Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Komarades....comes the no more taxes! Joost Free Love and 10 cents beers!


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

I buy what I can that is made in the USA. It's not always possible, I concede, hence my computers.

American cars getting worse and worse? Sorry, that one doesn't fly. Statistically, the gap is now very narrow between the US and Japan. In fact, I bought a new Mazda MPV van made in Japan some years ago because I had purchased a Chevy S10 Blazer that was a lemon. I vowed never to buy US autos again....but guess what? The Mazda was the biggest piece of crap I ever bought and every bit as much a lemon as the Blazer.

I also bought a Honda Accord - made in Marysville, Ohio which was an awesome car. So, I don't think our workforce is inferior to Japan or else it would have been riddled with poor fit and finish/etc.

Who was it that infiltrated our nuclear labs at Los Alamos and stole all our top secret nuclear documents? Hmmmm, wonder what they want with our nuclear defense plans?

This wouldn't have happened if Clinton hadn't sold his sole to those (illegal political donor) devils.

And bombs on Japan? I think most Americans agreed they had it coming. They DID surrender to us and made many long reaching consessions to OUR satisfaction.

There are no military tensions with Japan....there are with China. All's I'm saying is I personally am boycotting Chinese crapola wherever I can..and I'm a realist enough to know that I can't completely be China-free. It really ****ed me off when they rammed our surveillance plane, and held our pilots/personnel for ransom, and then wouldn't give our plane back until they reverse engineered whatever technology they could from our plane. Who wants to buy from people like that? Not me.
Again, buy what you will...I respect everyone's right to freedom in the marketplace....I just wanted to give people something to think about in regards to where and to what ends the money we are spending is going.

Oh, and also about Japan...they aren't my first choice in products either because I will freely admit they are screwing the US in unfair and lopsided trade. But at least they make a quality product.

Sorry if I unintentionally offended anyone.


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

I don't think China makes a car that is in the same league with Lexus (Japan), Mercedes (Germany), or Cadillac (USA).

I agree with you that not ALL Americans want cheap, cheap, cheap. I want quality at a competitive price....which you will rarely find from China. Price yes, quality no.

If they did make quality items that were competitively priced, and weren't out to screw Americans politically and militarily wherever they can, I would consider buying from them....

I couldn't imagine having a daughter in China...the thought of routinely selling girls into prostitution and slave labor kinda turns my guts inside out.....and how can a guy in America make a living when he is competing against 30 cents an hour child slave labor in China?

I'd rather support the hardworking guy who is trying to support his family in the USA with his own hard work and ingenuity.


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

Bill isn't saying America sucks...he's saying China sucks and is making it hard on sole proprietorships and small business because of their cheap junk and Americans willingness to buy it.

I do agree with you on the class envy thing....the harder you work, the luckier you get.

I'm gonna shutup, cause I can see I have caused a war which wasn't my intention. Merry Christmas to all and continued success in the new year.


Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
LOL...Todd, don't sweat it. Bill and I have been at it for a while. Personally, I think its fun.

I just think people perceptions are often skewwed because they often believe what they are told rather than verifying it for themselves.

Here's what I see.....

North Carolina and several other southern states lost the textile industry to Mexico because Mexicans are willing to work for less than Americans are. Many blame it on NAFTA. But, when you check the facts, North Carolina was losing the textile industry back in the mid 1970's. When NAFTA was ratified, most of N.C.'s textile industry was already gone - and a lot of folks here blamed it on NAFTA. There was a lot of whining and moaning and a lot of finger pointing. There was a huge outcry about the loss of jobs and job security. But, when you check the facts, unemployment was steadily dropping. Most textile work was low pay and provided little chance for advancement. Most of these people went on to other jobs. Many got even better jobs according to the NC Dept. of Labor.

The simple fact is that most of the stuff from China is stuff we don't want to produce. That is why North Carolina has a lot of migrant workers from Mexico. We don't want to do that kind of work either. And if we don't have to, then why should we?

Here's another thing to consider....

If it weren't for some of this cheap stuff coming in, then the less fortunate here in the US would have a more difficult problem trying to improve their own situation.

No, I'm not nuts.

With the cheap stuff, a person with limited financial means can purchase attractive clothing at an extremely low cost, thereby improving his appearance (i.e. - credibility) when he goes to apply for a job. This person can purchase a vehicle at a low price and low financing. No, a KIA is not a great car, but it will get him to and from work as he as he strives to improve his improve his standard of living. Its this ability to purchase things at a low cost that help the poor improve their lives. And, as their lives improve, they have the opportunity to become one of the big boys and eventually afford to buy the really nice American made stuff if they choose.

As for China, I believe people often get the government they deserve. The same goes with us here. Two hundred and twenty-five years ago, well to do men were willing to lose not only their wealth and land, but their lives to live free. The people of China will have to do the same. 1989 Russia would be another good example. I know there are some who would think of this as being cold-hearted, but its not. History has shown over and over again that anything worth having must be earned. When it is just given, it is often never appreciated and quickly lost.

And now on to my situation. I have two franchise shops and three independent quickie vinyl shops in my town that have all but destroyed the business here with their price wars. Now, I can stand here an whine, gripe and moan about it (which I did at first), or use it to my advantage. First, it forced me to take a better look at our business. It made me a better businessman. Secondly, it pushed me into a direction that I had always said I wanted to go, but never could. If forced me to expand my skills and subsequently my market. Today, I work fewer ours and make as much if not more money. While my competition is working late nights and through some weekends, I'm going home at 12 noon on Fridays and enjoying a relaxing weekend. This is where I think we ought to thank people like China and Japan. Their business practices made us tougher and smarter. Now, Japan's economy is in near collapse. And China, well....lets just say that a lot of them still live in mud huts.

Is our system perfect? No. But, its a heck of a lot better than anyone else on this planet has and I'm darn proud of it.

(dang...another long-winded post )

Posted by Bruce Evans (Member # 44) on :
Todd, Todd, Todd........let's suppose that Chino had a plane spying off the coast of California. A little accident happens and the plane ends up in our hands. Do you honestly think our country would not have done the same thing?? In fact, China probably would have never got their plane back.

Sometimes you gotta flip the coin.

It was just an unfortunate incident.

Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

Hehehe....yeah, I'm with you for the most part. Yes, I do see where cheap Chinese goods are attractive to some people...and you make a good point about their people having to force a better way of living.

Until that happens, I'm not going to personally support them, but again, as you state it may be the only option for people who do have a more limited budget.

Hope you had/have a good holiday. I'm gonna go watch my new "pearl harbor" dvd....


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Bruce, Bruce, Bruce,

Of course everybody spies on everybody. But would we ram a chinese spy plane in international air space threatening their lives and an international incident? And then hold their personnel hostage? I wonder....

We prefer to ram japanese fishing boats...they are less of a threat than China.

Have a good one.


Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

Since I have your attention:

What kind of plotters do you use? I recently purchased a Summa D60 and have had unresolveable "error on x axis" problems. The media rollers (for tracking) can't seem to keep the roll of vinyl in place either. It sporatically wants to jump off the rollers and into the back of the machine causing further faults....I'm looking at returning it and going after another manufacturer's product.

Looking for a good quality machine w/good speed/downforce. Budget? I spent about $2,400 on the Summa D60 with a stand and would rather stay around that price...but would pay more for something that is more reliable. I was looking at the Graphtec 4100 series (30") cutter which I could get for about $3,600 with a stand. It's more than i really want to spend (guess I'm looking for something with Chinese pricing haha).

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on : plotters are all Gerber - enVision 375 and Odyssey. In the past I've had Roland, HTD (Newing-Hall), and Summa, too.

I prefer a pin or sprocket machine myself. I've just had way too many problems with friction fed plotters. That said, my big plotter is Gerber's Odyssey which is friction-fed. The difference with it is that the pinch-wheels move independently and a sensor is used to automatically align the material and keep it aligned. I've cut 30"x50yd. refective vinyl in one shot without any problems.

Of the other plotters I've mentioned, Summa would be my preference. I've no experience with Graphtec, but I've heard a lot of good things about them.

Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
Guys thanks for the healthy exchange. No one was hurt and much was learned. I was nervous where this post was going but it seems opposing views and calm heads prevailed. I like a good discussion with no name calling and insults. We all have different experiences in life which lead us to our own views. None wrong and none right, just our own views. It's enjoyable to discuss them as long as we don't sling mud at fellow residents or visitors. Thanks again!
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Oh yeah Rob, you cheap SOB try using your wal-mart chinese thingie for mobile service. Just try it!
. Rob, I hope your Christmas was as special as putting that time consuming chinese contraption together!
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Back to the Kart thing here, folks. Joey, I believe you should be making the Killer-Karts here in Louisiana. Think about it. The labor here is paid just a hair more than the Chinese labor. There is a ready workforce in place, since they have to do something while waiting for "that casio job" to open up for them.
Think about it. But be rady to deal with highly organized government corruption at the state and local levels.
Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
LOL Joey....the kart was a gift for a fellow sign buddy. He had to put it together. It was meant for just his shop. When he needs to travel I will make sure he calls you for a kart. Best wishes.
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
look what santa brought me...


Posted by Jerry Steward (Member # 2420) on :
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :

Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Marky, I jus wanna know...
Does that thar Krazy Pallette come with them KrazyPaint cans already? Or do I gotta order them seperate?


P.S. I alredy got me the Boone's Farm Power Roller

[ December 26, 2001: Message edited by: AdrienneMorgan ]

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
sorry bubette,

(Does not include Rotel Tomato can, Baby food jars,
Van Camp New Orleans style Red Kidney beans can, mahl stick, roller frame
or one shot lettering enamels.)

Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :

whur kin i git me one of them "Boone's Farm Power Rollers"??????


Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
Todd, sorry to hear about your trouble with your new Summa. Not to rub it in, but the Roland 950 I bought from you continues to work flawlessly. Later.
Posted by Mark Neurohr (Member # 2470) on :
Holey Moley!!

GOTTA have one of dem Power Rollers!!!

What are the specs...?
Engine: .040? .060??
FT2/D (feet per dip)
American or Chinese??

Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :

I'll give you $2,000 to get it back! If it ain't broke, don't fix it right?!

Glad to hear it's working for it doing what you intended? I could never figure out how to get rid of the posts I had on the 2 sign pages I had it advertised in, and so I still get calls on it to this day! I bet I've had 30 emails on that sucker.

Yeah, I've had a heck of a time with my D60, and have been working with Summa since I got it (them), but in all fairness...they have been extremely nice to deal with and are working hard to set it right for me...they have top notch (and friendly) personnel.

I'm hoping I was just unlucky and got the ONE bad one in a thousand if you know what I mean.

If I run across any other accessories (for the Roland) in my messy office, I'll send them on to you. Hope you had a great holiday.


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