I got this message from a local offset printing outfit that has exchanged files with me a number of times when we end up with each others clients.
The email said something like "we just aquired this internet counter for 3 months, and the company behind it will pay $400 per email to see how many people will get the email in that time" Then the guy says "I too, thought this was a hoax until I got my $4000 check"
Yeah right! (My daughter sent me the same BS years ago, when you would get a trip to Disneyland from Bill Gates)
Anyway, what bugged me was that my email address was lumped in with 50 other addresses that these idiots sent their foolish message to.
With the concerns of Virus risk that is been going on lately I hate to think that the most idiotic of the 50 recipients of that message will forward to 50 fools that they know and the dumbest of those will forward again gradually putting my address on the computers cross section of the higher risk naive internet newbies.
Sorry, this really has little to do with your post but it reminded me of it, so I guess I am saying you should take the time to address each one seperately, in case other paranoid extremeists with a bad attitude like me might otherwise be offended.
Just include a subtle reference to a "January special" on a nice card (You'll find one somewhere) & spring for the postage knowing it will result in more work.
Another way is just to take care of the 20% of clients who give you 80% of the business. Vic G