The are inset or placed negative into a concrete monument. They say they appear to be faded after 10 years.
I figure a clearcoat might be the problem but have not seen the photos of the work yet.
If in fact the topical clearcoat is the problem, what would be the best approach to just "refinish or remove the clear?
And if that's not possible...would gold leaf lay back over something like that?
and last but not least.....cost.......there are about 23 letters 10" height with a 1/2 inset and I have no clue what to charge.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciately
If there is no peeling involved I would just re-guild the lettering. Use a slow dry oil size and do not clear coat unless the sign is located where it gets handled. The going rate should be about 8 bucks an upright inch per letter.