We used a reflective "paint" for silk screening real estate signs and when I went to get more today I was told it has been discontinued (Grrrrr)
The product is 3M Scotchlite Reflective Liquid it comes in a 1 pound can (1 pint) it is refered to as 7216 White and their catalogue number is ...75-0299-9386-4
Does anyone know if they have replaced it with something else or does anyone have an alternate (they know for fact) is equivelent?
Hope someone does...my due date is coming fast and so far I haven't been able to solve this dilema.
[ November 19, 2001: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Man, you're in deep bandini!
That's an old L.A. expression. Reference to Bandini Fertilizer Co.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
You may want to check with these folks. They've been able to get me out of some tough spots in the past.
Glenn I'd like to check that site out but it keeps coming up as "unable to connect".
Please check it out and correct the addy if it needs it. I'd like to contact them.
And thanx for the smile Rick...
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Monte, I don't know if this will help, but I used glass beads (from a barricade place) once for doing a sign on a roof, so the helicopters can see the address at night. Using white paint as the background color. So maybe you can sprinkle the glass beads on the fresh silk screen ink. It reflects when the lights hit. Or you might have to get some reflective vinyl.
Posted by Matthew Broadus (Member # 306) on :
Hey Monte, I ran into the same problem a year or so ago, we used the 3m scotchlite for sandblasted traffic signs.Now we use glass beads, but that's not going to work too good for screen printing! A company in Miami called JDL Industries has a similar product to 3m's, but not as good, and it's real expensive.Maybe if you rigged up a tray system and didn't have too many to do, you could use the glass beads. Good Luck and let us know the outcome.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Thanx Cisco...we have done that in the past and even tho it works well, this product was far superior...I now have 1 can left and may make it thru this job with it if not we may have to resort to the method you mention.
This is a really good client and I hate to have to tell him he's in the "obsolete file"...sure would like to find a suitable alternate.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Monte.....the address is correct. I don't know why you're having a problem.
This is a long-shot Monte, but how about calling one of these street painting contractors that paint the stripes on the roads and see if you can buy a little off of them.
Good Luck.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Hey the prize goes to Mathew Brodus on this one...
I called 3M corporate headquarters (product division) and found out the product I wanted had been discontinued in 1998 and there was no replacement for the product (they actually are recommending the use of Scotchlite reflective vinyl (I had to laugh at that)But when I asked if they had any other recommendations the gal said there was a notation that JDL Company out of Miami has a product equivelant...they even gave me their phone number.
Just in case you might be curious it costs $224.oo a gallon.They do however sell it in Quarts for the mere sum of $79.00
Hopefully we have enough of the 3M product to get thru this job...I hope so I'd like to forgo that kind of expense as long as possible.
Hope they have it nextime.
Oh and I didn't miss the chance to call all my suppliers and let them know I did their job for them and gave them the info so they could find it for the next guy...can you believe it they never even thanked me...maybe it was the tone in my voice...I'll have to work on that
[ November 21, 2001: Message edited by: Monte Jumper ]
Posted by Mark Neurohr (Member # 2470) on :
Did you try N. Glantz & Son? I'm pretty sure they have it in they're catalog and thy've got a bunch of stores. Here's the number for you local branch.
800-722-5975 800-445-4850 918-438-7447
Located at: 11408 East 19th Street Tulsa, OK 74128
Hope this helps!!
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Glantz is outfit that told me it was discontinued.
Thanx anyway!
I have solved the problem however and am pressing forward!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
Monte, You might try going to Glantz's website and look in their blow-out/close out area? One of their stores may have some left and you could corner the market?