Now the lousy architect has decided to simplify the part of the building that I'm working on, taking it from an elliptical compound curve to just an elliptical cone shaped wall comprised of circular segments.. kinda takes the challenge out of things now and I'm bored.. I've already got the whole darn thing laid-out in 3D with AutoCAD. It looks pretty ugly too with 2D lines flyin' everywhich direction in 3D space.
I've found a good picture of the building rendering that shows my area of the building pretty well, but for some reason I cant get it to FTP from the office computer to my site just right.
Here's a link if you want to check it out.. it may or may not load completely but I gotta warn you first, it's about a 600K size file.
I'm working on the elliptical area at the bottom between the two taller structures.
By the way.. the architects on this project are actually pretty good.. they design great buildings, they just don't get themselves bogged down with things like dimensions which makes it kinda tough when you have to design a window system that needs to actually fit around the structure. engineering nightmares! On the plus side, they're flexible on design so when we suggest some options they actually listen to them.
[ November 07, 2001: Message edited by: Mike Pipes ]
Geeze! How tall is this thing!?
It's still downloading!
So, Sticker....what part of it is yours?
My part is the curved wall at the verrry bottom between the taller buildings. I get to figure out how to make all that glass follow the angles, slopes, curves and the other end has a tunnel punched through it which I also get to design. The tunnel is for vehicles to enter/exit that courtyard area between the buildings.
The top view of the curved area looks like a giant toilet bowl, therefore we have coined this part of the building as "Satan's Toilet Bowl"
Oops, forgot to also mention this building is going up in Manhattan, the address is 731 Lexington Avenue.. for anyone near the area, the site is bordered by Lexington Ave, East 58th Street, 3rd Avenue, and East 59th Street.
If you check a map of Manhattan you will see this is not very far from "Ground Zero."
[ November 07, 2001: Message edited by: Mike Pipes ]
When you gonna marry my daughter?????
Check out that NY Pavilion and think what it must have been like pre-Autocad!
I hate working with glass. I put a window in my '71 Dodge Challenger once, and upon tightening the last bolt, every so gently, it exploded in my face.
It was a cold winter that year, without a drivers door glass letmetellya...
LOTS of good stuff on that page, any fan of space-age era styling will dig it.