I had NO idea, the "other" support that was being orginanized. When Don gave me the can with the "Letterville" logo on it, I thought "what a neat can to keep stuff in", then he told me to open it.
I was completly speechless, I still do not have the words to discribe how I feel for this act of kindness towards myself and my family.
I hope there is never a need for it, but I know that when someone else needs a hand that I will be the first in line.
My parents have also been great support through all this. When I was released yesterday, my Dad went and got my perscriptions filled for me so I would not miss any doses. The total bill was $687.00, most of these are a 30 day supply.
"WE ARE" in the wrong business.....hehehehe
It is hard to for me to understand how just getting up from my chair that I could fracture the T-12 vertabrea. THey have determined that it is basiclly a metabolic problem as my body is not absorbing any calcium, leading to major bone loss in my spine.
The brace the have me in is not really that uncomfortable, but the way it is designed it does not have much room on it for me to "personalize" it It does make me feel more supported and hopefully it will keep me out of the hospital.
I do not know when I can get back to working very much, hopefully I can do small jobs here and there until then.
For all those who helped out and the ones who just kept me and my family in your thoughts, I don't know how I will ever repay you. This place "Truely" is a family that comes together to help thier own.
From the Haas Family,Thank You, I wish I could find words that better discribe how I feel.