I was wondering what would be the most popular souvenir for Letterhead gatherings. Personally, I have several tee-shirts I don't wear, but, several screenprinted shop aprons I use quite often. I guess a "pre-register" questionaire would shed more light on the subject. This is just testing the waters.
[ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: John Smith ]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I would think something that could be used daily HINT: Georgia Back Scratchers(he he he )
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
I don't know about the most popular, but my most favorite was this really neat gold leaf seashell that a guy left behind, but I don't have it anymore.heh heh
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
I bet I have the most diversed collection of meet souveniers around!
But, if I was to choose a practical one, it would be the screenprinted apron from the Walljam meet in Cornwall. I use that a lot.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
You could always do blankets for the shop dog/cat. Just kidding!
At Sacramento, several people were wearing tees from earlier meets. Personally I would like to see something a little dressier, but that would just run the cost up even more.
Shop aprons is not a bad idea. I know they would get used at BLS. Vic G
PS - what about mousepads? RVg
[ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: VICTORGEORGIOU ]
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
I don't know Maybe the old stickers is good for some but a personal Tattoo to each member or Guest will always be remembered! LOL Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Anybody know a blacksmith that makes branding irons?
A little "imprint" from the meet would never be forgotten.
Posted by Bernice Tornquist (Member # 16) on :
At the Banff meet in '98 Larry Whan gave us 'beautiful' vests (Navaho style weave, I think). They had a nice crest ...A Brush With Nature - Discovery '98. That vest has become a special part of my attire. It must have costed the host more than t-shirts, but what a gift that was. Thanks again, Larry! I'm sure that each one of us make very good use of the vest they received.
John, if you or anyone else would like to see what these looked like, e-mail me and I'll send you a picture. Soemhow, I can't seem to post pictures on this site via Tripod anymore.
[ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: Bernice Tornquist ]
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on :
Given your location and climate, I'd just go with a thong.
Posted by Marty Happy (Member # 302) on :
Hey Lettervillians...
I have to second Bernice's e-motion.
My Discovery '98 vest is the most prized souvenir of my first ever Letterhead meet.
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
One more vote for Larry Wahn's vest, love it and have worn it very often when it is cool enough. Another favorite is when you can get a panel by Mike Lavalle, Alan Johnson or Steve Chaszeyka. These things are nice, but the people you meet and the friends from past meets is the best.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
I almost never wear the hats or the aprons or use the tote bags, but wear out the t shirts. I also still use my Noel Weber and Jackson Signs pencils.
The other treasures are the completed project pieces, and the completed project pieces that were traded for the same done by others.
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
At the Mazeppa meet, since my project was a large scale replica of a cigar band, I gave out cigars wrapped with a real cigar band of my design, that I had printed myself.
Also, I had decals of the same design that people put on their signkits. Pat Neve printed those off for me. (thanx Pat)
I think meet decals are kinda neat to dress your signkit with, just like the cool labels of various places that you find on old suitcases.
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Yup, had a panel by Mike Lavalee at Boise...must be very coveted as it was stolen! before I could get it home!
Next time I'll carry it under my shirt! A
Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
Maybe a Gerber Edge Machine...LOL I like the t-shirts as long as they are not butt ugly. For me I'm just happy to bring home a panel or two from my fellow Letterheads.
Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
My most treasured souvenir is a Rod Tickle panel! One of his green tree frogs is framed and on my living room wall
T-Shirts are great. I wear them to all the meets and sign related functions. It helps promote the Letterhead movement.
So are decals. They are relatively cheap to produce and I have a collection on my sign box and in my shop. Instant memories of some great times.
But best of all are the photos. Some meets have collected the best shots, especially group photos and sent every body a copy.
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
A Porsche would be nice, John. You could even put your logo real small on the underside.
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Bar refrigerators are nice, too! Airbrushed by Rod Tickle even nicer....but probably impracticle, since he lives in Oz. So my vote is for bar fridges that we can each airbrush and have signed by our old and new friends.
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Good answer Don.
Sonny was telling me that at one of the meets he went to, they took everyone's pict and printed up an Artistic License for everyone. I think that was really cute.
I wear t-shirts and hats all the time (note: my pict).
Posted by timi NC (Member # 576) on :
The most handy souvenir I ever got was a flamed maglite from CJ Allan at the walldog meet in Kenlake Kentucky. I use it at least once a week.They aren't all that expensive & each is a piece of art in itself,...And it's easy to hang onto because it has my name engraved on it! I bet if ya got hold of CJ,..John he would give ya a great deal on them too.
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
John, The shop apron I got at the Denver meet has been used so much you can't even see the logo on it. Also, the screened glass panel from the Bull and Brush meet is a keeper. Since you're a blaster, why not a small blasted unfinished meet logo panel? It could be glass, HDU, or even slate. Just a thought, but you really can't go wrong with a T-shirt either. One more idea- how about a "Tool-Time" show? After seeing the interest in your Rotozip at Duck Soup, I started thinking of all the time saving tools I use around here that a lot of people may not be familiar with, i.e.: sheet metal nibblers, corner rounders, plastic heat bender,etc.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
In the early years of the "movement" quite a few of the meets had the big round Badges with the meet logo and a place to sign your name...they made great name tags and a souvenier you gould hang on the shop aprons from other meets. I still have several. They are cheap, hold up well and kinda neat to have around.
I like the mouse pad idea from an earlier post ...especially if it had the meet logo on it.Even if you dont have a puter it makes a nice coaster.
Or how about a printed coffe cup?
Hope to make your meet.I love your work (I've lurked in the distance at Duck soup and Jimmy Chathams).
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Well I wear vests all the time...what a great idea. I think the apron idea is good too. With pockets for those of us who need to have all our tools handy. So far my favorite souvenir from meets would be the Butler CD I won! Plus 3 great Letterhead fonts. I love the Boston Truckstyle!
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
some of my most prized possesions are panels from meets. I have a Bob Harper Showcard that everyone signed at my december in dixie meet back in 1999.
a Terry Teague panel, a panel from england by Terry Colley, John Novicki banner and panel, George Perkins panel, my main sign on my shop front by Mike Meyer, Mike also sent me a hockey puck! LOL, a Matt Broadus panel, a pinstriped refrigerator by John Byrd, a CJ Allan maglite,and last but not least a Monte Jumper 4x4 wrench.
i think the shop apron with the meet name printed on it would be nice john.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Mark Fair Signs ]
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Some 'Goofball' gave me this pin from a meet he went to...
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: AdrienneMorgan ]
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
<GRIN> Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
I like Monty's ideas; badges and cups - small and practical. I have more T shirts than any normal person could wear and use for rags in a lifetime! One of my favorites is a yardstick from the '85 Denver meet - I don't break mine, I varnish & use them forever. I have a few aprons from various meets in the past I'll give to anyone who wants to pay the postage. Never use them.
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
One of MY favorites is the fly swatter Mike brought to the Micro Meet!! "Silence of the Flies" !
HAHA, VERY cool!!
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
John, Aprons or t-shirts are fine with me! Don't have enough meet t-shirts. Guess I need to attend more meets! Judy