Ok here's the link. The word Letterheads would be 1" HDU with the centers cut out, gilded. The blue would be cobalt blue smalt & the gold edge would be tinted resin. (gold & another color swirled in)
I think the edges of the frame itself are a little plain.
Posted by Felix Marcano (Member # 1833) on :
crap.... Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Here ya go Felix!!!!!!!
[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: Dave Grundy ]
Posted by Felix Marcano (Member # 1833) on :
Hey How'd you do that?!!!
So, whatcha think guys?
Posted by Joe Rees (Member # 211) on :
Hi Felix, nice project. I like the colors & fonts - and the subject rocks! What's probably bothering you is the word Letterheads is crowded to the border. You need to either pull it well within the top and bottom margins or blow it out well past the border. Right now it seems like you just ran out of room and squeezed it in. Know what I mean?
The corner doo-dads might be a little ornate to be used that small too. Something simpler or nothing at all might be slightly better.
[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: Joe Rees ]
[ October 12, 2001: Message edited by: Joe Rees ]
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
I am with Joe on the border thing, and I am not likeing the D_S combo, it leaves to much space between them. I dont think kerning it will help it to much,its the letterstyle
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
Hey Felix, In the future post in the Portfolio page, Thats why its here and it needs help.