Not too long ago, someone posted instructions to access Hot Mail using OE. I can't find that message. My kids use HM and say they can't just download mail and read it off line. If this is so, the Outlook Express solution would be the ticket. Help appreciated. Ciao
Posted by Shane French (Member # 2098) on :
Open OE....
Goto 'TOOLS'.....'ACCOUNTS'......
on your right click 'ADD'....'MAIL'...
Then just fill in your info. When you tell OE that you use hotmail, it will automactically detect the correct server and protocol.
Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
Gday Rick, I havent used hotmail for some time but I manage a couple of yahoo accounts through Outlook 2k. If you find you have to set it up manually then do as Shane has mentioned, go to Tools/Accounts/Add/Mail In the setup process, the Incoming POP3 server will probably be something like .I had a quick browse of the hotmail faq's and couldn't see the mail server name but with a bit more looking I'll bet they are there. HTH, David
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I read on Incredimails site, that Hotmail is one of the web based email providers that won't allwo you access their mail accounts with an outside program. You can try and see, but possibly may not work. Yahoo will though.