I watch and have just a couple, one being CCR, Countrywide the largest in the world home mortgage company and the other BUGS a company called Microbics. CCR has gone up over 7 bucks in the last ten days to 47 this morning and Microbics which was 26 cents last week is at 36 cents today.
Persons have always asked what companies do before they invest but as I've always said to them ' if you make money, you're a friggin genius. If you lose, you're an friggin a--hole'
Whats your take and how do you feel about investing in America at this time?
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
I made a small fortune buying and selling stocks..........................
.........unfortunatly, I started with a large fortune!
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
My wife does the investing. She went on a buying spree last week. So far, everything is up. Posted by Brian Snyder (Member # 41) on :
I purchased to dollar cost average my 5 biggest holdings last week. So far, I am still a down little but not as much as I would have been. They are long term investments so I really don't worry. I did buy some TCM (TyCom - one of my customers) today and am up about $1.75 a share. Woohoo!
Posted by Tim Whitcher (Member # 685) on :
I bought 100 shares of Disney stock (it was at a low of 17) right after the crash. It's already making a good return. I own a lot of Disney stock, since I worked for them for eight years back in the eighties, when they had an employee stock option plan. In the late eighties, the stock split four ways, and I made some real gains. Disney is considered a long term stock, and I don't intend to sell off any of it until I retire.
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
I haven't bought or sold anything, but if I had cash to invest I would be seriously looking at the market right now. Most of us should be "sleep well at night" investors. Park the money in good solid companies and ride it out long term. It works well for Warren Buffet. Last year during the dot com madness, Warren looked kind of old fashioned. Today he looks like a financial genius.
The market will come back. It always does. This is a very healthy nation, even with all our current problems. Vic G
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
Someone that was a best friend for year's has a company that is way down and a good time to buy. JBL. I sold off when I got tired of it sitting at 80 (this was 18 mos ago.) It had split 3 times in a few years. If I had money now, I'd buy a lot.
Posted by Mikes Mischeif (Member # 1744) on :
Investing is seasonal for us. We go for Toys-r-us in the fall, selling when the report comes out after Christmas, always a winner.
Buy Home depot in the dead of winter and sell after first earnings in the spring when "Harry Homeowner" gets the Lawn/gardening/home improvememt bug and sales peak. - Never a dissapointment.
Winter Buys - Summer sells:
Harley Davidson any Boat maker Car Makers (not this year)
Buy Wal-Mart . . . . .
Posted by Cam Bortz (Member # 55) on :
What about companies making airport security equipment?
Posted by Sonny Franks (Member # 588) on :
My wife works for Delta Airlines and she bought at $22 a week ago - it's at $27 now. Don't be scared gang. Buy Delta. We need all the help we can get.
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I invest money in Local help programs to feed the poor and help the down drotten where I feel it works the quickest.This way I can actually SEE my return working in human lives.
Posted by Pam Eddy (Member # 1858) on :
I have been reading The Motley Fool's book "Investing Without a Silver Spoon" and am going to start direct investing in some of these companies on a monthly basis. With dividend reinvesting and dollar-cost averaging, that seems to be a good way to invest a little each month. Just figure it in as a monthly bill.
It's bargain basement shopping time in the stock market right now. I usually wait for a good sale for any other purchase, why not with stocks?
I just bought a share of stock for a little friend's first birthday. At Oneshare.com, you can get the certificate framed (for additional cost) and the child will receive coloring books and other information teaching them about investing. The parents and grandparents are already talking about adding to her current share of stock. With Disney stock being so low, I might do the same for this little girl's cousin who turns one in January.
I hate the idea of taking advantage of the stock market in this situation, but.....a lot of stocks are undervalued right now and we do need to boost the economy.