Well, fresh off of the MicroMeet, we were asked to letter this 12' x 48' billboard, seam like were getting alot of requests for flags, Billboards, Helmets, and digital prints. How about yourselfs? I usually like a few days rest after a meet, but the customer couldnt wait.
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
That's the most beautiful billboard I've ever seen!
Great Job!
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Nice job, Ron...
We called Eder Flag today for a custom flag. They said they are doing nothing but US Flags, their backlog is 6 weeks, and they are only communicating by fax. Talk about 15 minutes of fame!
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
WOW!!!!!! That's AWSOME Ron!! Where is it?????
I did a couple of flags (my flags aren't real good, too many straight lines for me) but the eagle head turned out pretty cool!
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
I have many calls about doing car dealers with patriotic messages. Just today I did a 36 foot wide American flag waving in the breeze with "See the USA in a CHEVROLET". The stars are a real trick getting them to line up right with no pattern and freehand, as I work. 1-3-5-7-9-9-7-5-3-1 are the rows in bias, in case you might be wondering. Red stripes at the top and bottom, also. I have another similar one on Saturday and again on three days next week. Everyone wants 'fancy' and no one even blinks about the price. I feel a bit guilty about taking advantage of the area's emotional response, but my hefty donation to the Red Cross on Sunday is counterbalancing my thinking, I guess. Bush told us to get back to work and to do all we can. Excessive profits are best spent back at a deserving cause and I love the opportunity to work hard and have something to give back.
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Presto...stars...5 rows of 6 and 4 rows of 5 = 50! Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
"SAUCY!!" Posted by Jackson Smart (Member # 187) on :
Yep...just on my way to see a customer...He also wants a BIG flag on the side of his building. He wants it either flying in the breeze or a tattered flag..
I agree also that it is IMPORTANT to spread the money around at this time....so...Hi-Ho..it's off to work we go!
Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
One of the local radio stations here had a banner made that is the size of a semi trailer. Everyone who signs it pays a $1 to the firemans union for widows and children of the fallen firefighters. I made a neat flag and eagle design on the back of my van window. we just went out to the stadium where they are doing the banner and gave away 15 of these for a $10 donation and I installed them while they waited.
One guy gave a $100.00 donation for it on his truck.
It caost me some vinyl and a little time, alot less than the people of New York and DC.
Posted by Ron Percell (Member # 399) on :
It's in Petaluma, Ca. A
Last night they opened up the CBS evening news with it, caught it on video tape for my collection.
Posted by AdrienneMorgan (Member # 1046) on :
Ahhh, I figured THAT R....Just WHERE in Pet. is it??? You'll just have to show me what I come back to finish the mural A