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Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
My website is doing so well that I do not have the time (nor patience) to deal with the locals over banners, magnetics, vehicle lettering, realty signs, "can you touch up my plywood sign"?? etc, etc, etc. I am doing only dimensional HDU signs and shipping all over the country and international orders are becoming commonplace. I bought a "new" 1997 Dodge 15 passenger extended van for deliveries. Next Saturday morning, Lynn and I are delivering a big job to Thompson, Conn. then over to Birmingham, AL then on back to the shop. My average workload is 2-6 months delivery. For an old country boy, I have arrived !!!!

John Smith
Kings Bay Signs
945 Haddock Rd.
Kingsland, GA 31548

Purveyor of fine signage
Innovator of good things
yet to be
Sign of the Month Club:

WoodCarver on mIRC chat

Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
Great news John. How is your site generating sales, is it directly from links or as a secondary sales tool. I mean, do they become aware of you first from other areas?

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan
Since 1978
All change isn't progress, and all progress isn't forward.

Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
It feels good to adapt, doesn't it.

Warning: A well designed sign may cause fatigue due to increased business.

Personal >
Business >

Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :
Great news John!

Seeing your work at Jimmy's Dixie meet last year was an inspiration to carve HDU! That 'dental' sign you brought was awesome, heck it made Bubba Fair's Sign of the Month! First thing I did when I got back to my shop was carve up a shell, 'sorta' like your demo...

Hope you're planning the delivery so you'll be in Alabama for the Duck Soup meet! Sure would like to see ya have yer way with them chizels again!

Good Luck to ya,

Sept. 14,15,16
Somewhere in Alabama

Cheryl Lucas a/k/a "Shag" on mIRC
Vital Signs & Graphics, Etc.
Cape Coral, Florida

Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Glad to hear that things are working out for you John.NOW if only you could make it over to the Duck Soup while you are in Birmingham.
The meet is Sept.14,15,16(bring your tools and give us all a treat with a demo)
Let me know and I will set you up under a canopy with table to use.
19days,3hours,7minutes,29seconds left
Call Me!!!!!

P.S.This will be the only way you can see my own attempt at carving.As mine are growing out of the ground.(done with a chainsaw)
PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of

[This message has been edited by PKing (edited August 27, 2001).]

Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Way to go John!!!

Really glad to hear things are working out so well, but I knew you could do it all along. With your quality of work things have to be good.

Hope to get to see you again at Pat's in September.

Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY

I've always been crazy... but it's kept me from going insane.

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Very inspiring John. You have made this crazy medium work for you. I'm convinced that the internet will help eliminate some of the local controls that govern our business as well as other business. I'm also convinced that nit-picking, five & dime, bottom-feeding customers will have what they want in the end from their local sign store in the strip mall. Thank you for the wine California.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
it is no suprise john with the caliber of work you produce.
as seen in "Sign of the Month"
keep up the great work.


Mark Fair Signs
Montgomery, Alabama

Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
John, I was wondering if you're using the "slam and jam" gilding method I showed you at Skeeter Roundup. By the way, way to go with your new venture.

Dennis Goddard
Excalibur Signs & Graphics
Tampa Fl

Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
I have received several e-mails concerning my decision of not entertaining "local work" and how my website is working, how do I use HDU, etc. Well, my website is 2 years old and is being updated soon. My wife saw that I was working myself to death on everything that came through the door and told me to focus on one type of sign that I like doing and that makes money. So, after much soul searching for 6 months, I shut out ALL work and concentrated on the HDU. Either sandblasted or handcarved, that is all I do now.
I took off my shop sign because all it attracted was the el-cheapo tire kicker shoppers and kids wanting vinyl names on their cars. And, when the new phone book comes out, I will go from a 1/4 page ad to just a simple listing.
Even now, I have a $125.00 minimum price on the internet orders. I deliver for the right price. (I will post a delivery price scale in a separate post) I have approached the HDU manufacturers about a link exchange on our websites and got negative responses. Therefore, I will not mention what brand I use or what I like best. (and, like Pierre, I use about 10-30 sheets a year). There are 4 HDU products out there and I have used them all.
I hope this helps those that are looking into the internet as a source to supplement the regular shop work. If you are a vinyl shop, there is a place on the WWW for you, too !!!
Good luck to you all and let your ventures be prosperous.

[ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: John Smith ]


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