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Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Still haven't figured out if we're gonna make it or not but I am still trying to be prepared just in case.

My daughter is almost 27 months now. My parents will keep her if we can make it to McCalla. However, if there will be kids there for her to play with I might bring her. Just wondering!! I don't know how many of you have little ones!

Amy Brown
AMBO Design
Lake Helen, FL

"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"

Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Amy I hope you make it to Duck Soup either with or without your child!

I do have a "little one"...He's 35 years old and about 6' 5"..If ya want to fly him and his wife and two kids down to Alabama from Missouri I bet he'd be happy to babysit your young one!!!!

Dave Grundy
AKA "applicator" on mIRC
"stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!"
in Granton, Ontario, Canada

Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
I'm probably gonna get in trouble with this, but, in my opinion, that's a bit young to take to a meet....reason being there are a lot of dangerous things to get into, paints, solvents, sharp objects, lit objects, very sticky objects......I can't imagine enjoying a meet if I had to run after a little one constantly to keep him from getting hurt or poisoned.....when they are old enough to learn how to respect tools and learn how to hold a brush (what? 9, 10..?) then I think it's cool. But, I wouldn't bring one that young. Get your folks to sit, then YOU go and have fun!!!
My opinion folks, no hate mail please!!!!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Amy, my son would love to play with your daughter, them being the same age too, but I don't have the energy to take him along and much like Adrienne said, hold him back from everything.

Then again I mentioned to someone about not going to meets for a few years until Cody grows abit more. Some were horrified in a very nice way that I would allow his age to stop me. I must have had 15 people jump on me wanting to look after him at the meets. I thought that was an incredibly nice gesture!

So I suppose it depends on where you're going and how it's set up. But for me, I'll stay home a few more years myself. If you've never been to a meet, you'll want all your energy to visit with your new friends, paint all night and wishing you didn't have to run after a toddler.

It's not that she's too young, I feel that's your personal option. But at a meet I'd put yourself first and visualize what you'd like to do with your short time there. You will be very busy having fun!

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada

[This message has been edited by Donna in BC (edited August 28, 2001).]

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
I thought the post after the International meet, about the kids having too much access to power tools and other hazards, was the guttsiest call and most important on the meet. One slip could be devestating for many people. The victim, the family, the promoters, and attendees would all suffer. I've had people tell me I was crazy to unplug my power tools everytime I move away from them. I have 2 sons and they have helped and and been around me while I worked with many different power tools. Nothing has ever happened. THAT WAS NO ACCIDENT.
I have picked up my tools and quit working when too many kids are around. They move off quickly enough and I can get back to work. I ain't worth the risk to do otherwise.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by Troy Haas (Member # 472) on :
Mine are a little older, 10 & 7 and they will be with me at the meet along with my pretty wife, and I mean Penny, not Don for those of you who were at Jimmy's meet last year

Troy Haas
"Metal_Leg" on mIRC

SAM Signs
"At old Hose House No. 8"

931 W. Columbia street
Evansville,Indiana 47710
Home of the:
"Brush Fire at the Hose House" Letterhead Meet
April 27-29th,2001

"Chaos, panic, disorder - my work here is done."

Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :
If I can make it (fingers crossed) my son Ivan who is 9 will be there with me.

Mark Smith
Ampersand Signs & Design
EstiMate Sign Estimating Software
Hailing from beautiful Asheville, N.C.


Posted by Amy Brown (Member # 1963) on :
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have to admit, it's more a mommy doesn't want to leave her that long than anything else. She stays with my parents every Thursday night and I can't hardly stand that.

If I manage to make it there I'm sure you all will keep me busy enough not to worry about it too much!

Still trying...hope to see you all there!!

Anyone know if the Hindu Hilton still has rooms available?

Amy Brown
AMBO Design
Lake Helen, FL

"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"

Posted by Greg Sellers (Member # 900) on :
Maybe Pat will check in here later but he said he was having a kiddie tent. My 2 year old and 4 year old will be there. But then again if they don't take to it well then my wife will take them home since its so close. Check with Pat about the kiddie tent.

Greg Sellers
Signing Bonus
McCalla, Alabama


Posted by Roy Frisby (Member # 736) on :
I have, at last count, twenty one cats. Can I bring them along? I'll stuff them in the
saddle bags on my scooter. Should make for
an interesting trip!

Frisby Signs, Inc.
El Dorado, Arkansas

Posted by John Novicki (Member # 955) on :
Well, Matt Broadus and I are bringing Mark Fair to the meet. He is the unruly type, so we usually put him in a stroller, tie him to a tree, and in this case, Pat has promised to put a cage around him. Hopefully someone will take a better picture of him to put on this BB.

John Novicki
Sign Painter
Minot, ME


Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
bubba novicki, be sure and bring plenty of big ass beers in the bottle with the nipple end.
i need a "pacifier" LOL

baby bubba

Mark Fair Signs
Montgomery, Alabama

Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
YES there will be a KIDS tent set up with non-toxic paints,magic markers,crayons,paper
and wood pieces to decorate.ALL well minded
children of any age are WELCOMED! Family is an Important part of the Letterhead Movement.
Un-ruly,Spoiled,Temper tanturm throwers will be cut up and added to the Soup.Please don't let the children suffer because of bad parenting!
Children are kids too

PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of


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